Marc Shapiro wrote:

> In the message pane the postings appear in various different fonts due
> to the preferences set by the sender.  Normally, this is not a problem.
>   Variety is just fine.  But I found 1 (one) posting that comes through
> virtually unreadable.  It is very blocky, looking like the print from a
> bad  9-pin dot matrix printer from the 80's.
> The message in question was from David Baron, this morning.  The subject
> was "Re: Where does a guy get KDE 3.5?"
> Now, I don't think that this is due to David's settings, since I have
> received other posts from him today that were perfectly clear and
> readable.  Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and how
> to avoid it.  I don't want to force all messages to display in the same
> font, necessarily.  I think what I want is to figure out what font that
> message was using and force only that font to something more readable.
> Does anyone know how I might do that?  I did not see anything at
> which seemed to be
> what I needed.

chrome/userChrome.css is for UI, not for content. To affect content your
CSS rules go in chrome/userContent.css.

You shouldn't need to use userContent.css to get plain text messages to
display all in your same monospace pref text. David's message was plain
text, so the only thing to account for the strange display is this:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=windows-1255. I cannot imagine why a
Kmail client would so encode a plain text email message using that
charset. It should be a Kmail bug if it inherited it from an upthread
post it was a reply to. To fix its display (go into the mailnews view
menu and set message body as plain text so that it applies to HTML email
as well) go into prefs and change the families and sizes for all the the
20 or so character sets to be the same across the charsets (unless you
actually want some to be different). Then you shouldn't see odd emails
again. If you do, the problem has to be in your fontconfig
configuration, not SM.
"Love your neighbor as yourself."                Mark 12:31 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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