This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository. hboutemy pushed a change to branch master in repository
from 4c5d51f Add stale action new c787932 o putting keys in a project wide module so everyone can get access new 4969059 o Add my key. new b386aad Adding myself to KEYS new 3382387 Adding my key. new 89489b0 added public key new bc0252f Add dkulp's public key new 3444816 adding my gpg bits to the KEYS new 53303bb Adding my new key, removing the old one (I forgot my passphrase...) new 88e9da7 Merged and new 31250e8 Update instructions new 037f034 Remove Stephane Nicoll key that seems to be corrupt new 3974806 Added my key. new 288ec0d Added PGP key new 2dc04ad Updated key new 2932a38 Added my PGP key new b6c2932 add my PGP key new e425c7e Adding Dan Fabulich GPG key new 7a67dcd Added gpg key for Raphaël Piéroni new 58cda4b add mkleint's key new c534223 Added key for Mark Hobson new 8a0b3cf added oleg gusakov key new f3df1b1 add John's recent release key new 555febb Added Raphaël Piéroni key new a1fca57 Added key for Barrie Treloar new 7ab39ea adding keys for Barrie Treloar new 9c0b803 Added key for Dan Tran new 593944e Added myself new d9e44e5 clarify instructions for KEYS file new b6f1ccd Adding new keys for after system crash new 6cfcf04 o Added code signing key for Benjamin Bentmann new 17962b0 Adding key for Paul Gier new 00dc418 Update key new b601b32 just generated PGP key new 2a654ce adding my public key details new 85b1590 Adding new, improved PGP key new f659b9c add my new key. Old one was perhaps compromised new 9edfcda add new key new fedf0b0 change my public key new 78446c9 Added public key for Kristian Rosenvold new 254cad6 Added new PGP key for markh new 43f5a36 Adding pgp key for Brian Demers new 131290d o Added Brian's key new 8744bdb Add my PGP key new ef21e96 added ifedorenko public key new b682f10 fix path on p.a.o new ce38795 add my gpg key new ca7f340 Add myself. new 098918c Added cstamas' public key new e0f24d1 Added new PGP key for markh new fd00247 update instructions to sync KEYS file with dist new a0a468a add gpg key for agudian new 7b22ee7 repair names that broke with my last commit (my editor didn't handle the encoding correctly) new 2d5b283 remove duplicated vmassol key new 7138efb Add new 5cd4e14 Added my public key new 4e1c2a9 add keys for Dominik Bartholdi new d15b125 Add key for mfriedenhagen new 6d196c0 update GnuPG public key for new 0267b19 added precisions for non-PMC members since publishing KEYS to dist requires PMC karma new 3f20e0d New key, moar bits new fc87dfc Added key khmarbaise new e122c53 o Updated to add the PGP key of ''. new 44329cf Added keys for and new 4bed254 added new key new 4aef077 Updated PGP Key. new 79500cf Add new PGP key for gboue new 509763a Add new PGP key for adangel new 7738e9e Add public key Sylwester Lachiewicz new e294b91 Add public key for Maarten Mulders new 7aacd13 Revert adding public key for Maarten Mulders new 52be539 Add public key for Maarten Mulders new b34f1db Added GPG key for new 47b0278 editing KEYS is not limited to PMC any commiter is able to edit/add his own key new d3cadb4 Fix UTF-8 encoding on KEYS new fd737e3 Update key for new 3a9b983 Add public key for Slawomir Jaranowski new b55b8dd merge dist KEYS into project new 759f658 remove pgp warn message new 4ed869a khmarbaise Updage GPG key like dist r53326 new 2cd0ac2 add bmarwell key (like r53395 in dist) new b0252a4 add key directly pushed to dist new 88ce0b7 Add public key for new a2ba667 Update my key new 0d69b8f Update my key new 34d7947 Add ED2378CD09A08CDE key for gnodet new fdbc58d Update key for new bdd500a Add my (gnodet) signing key new 2a526ba add my keys new cf1d59e sync back commit from dist/release r64823 | cstamas | 2023-10-25 new 3e2fe59 Update key for new 613bf4c Add key ( new 979bc51 Add my key new 0eb20e4 only publication requires PMC role new 4aaae32 Add Key Matthias Bünger (mbuenger) The 94 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only been added to this reference. Summary of changes: KEYS | 4824 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 4824 insertions(+) create mode 100644 KEYS