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elharo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new ebb6bd6b Fix version order specification (#707)
ebb6bd6b is described below

commit ebb6bd6bf33695cc0e90dada4083f9e88a61c346
Author: Björn Kautler <>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 3 14:17:44 2025 +0100

    Fix version order specification (#707)
 content/apt/pom.apt.vm | 20 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/apt/pom.apt.vm b/content/apt/pom.apt.vm
index ed06f9d0..ad17db4a 100644
--- a/content/apt/pom.apt.vm
+++ b/content/apt/pom.apt.vm
@@ -436,20 +436,20 @@ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar -Dartifa
     * Numeric tokens have the usual ordering of integers.
     * Qualifiers are first converted to lower case in the English locale. 
-      Then they are ordered as by the `compareTo()` method of 
+      Then they are ordered as by the <<<compareTo()>>> method of 
       except for the following tokens which come first in this order:
-    "<<<alpha>>>" \< "<<<beta>>>" \< "<<<milestone>>>" \< "<<<rc>>>" = 
"<<<cr>>>" \< "<<<snapshot>>>" \< "" = "<<<final>>>" = "<<<ga>>>" \< "<<<sp>>>"
+    "<<<alpha>>>" \< "<<<beta>>>" \< "<<<milestone>>>" \< "<<<rc>>>" = 
"<<<cr>>>" \< "<<<snapshot>>>" \< "" = "<<<final>>>" = "<<<ga>>>" = 
"<<<release>>>" \< "<<<sp>>>"
         * the "<<<alpha>>>", "<<<beta>>>" and "<<<milestone>>>" qualifiers can 
respectively be shortened to "a", "b" and "m" when directly followed by a 
     * Alphabetic tokens other than the special cases described above come 
before numeric tokens.
-    * Alphabetic tokens are compared in a case insensitive fashion in the 
 locale}}}. For example, "A" and "a" are treated the same as are "i" and "I" 
and "é" and "É". 
+    * Alphabetic tokens are compared in a case insensitive fashion in the 
 locale}}. For example, "<<<A>>>" and "<<<a>>>" are treated the same as are 
"<<<i>>>" and "<<<I>>>" and "<<<é>>>" and "<<<É>>>". 
   * else "<<<.qualifier>>>" = "<<<-qualifier>>>" \< "<<<-number>>>" \< 
-  * <<<alpha>>> = <<<a>>> < <<<beta>>> = <<<b>>> < <<<milestone>>> = <<<m>>> < 
<<<rc>>> = <<<cr>>> < <<<snapshot>>> < '<<<>>>' = <<<final>>> = <<<ga>>> = 
<<<release>>> \< <<<sp>>>
+  * <<<alpha>>> \< <<<a1>>> \< <<<beta>>> \< <<<b1>>> \< <<<milestone>>> \< 
<<<m1>>> \< <<<rc>>> = <<<cr>>> \< <<<snapshot>>> \< <<<>>> = <<<final>>> = 
<<<ga>>> = <<<release>>> \< <<<sp>>>
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar -Dartifa
   * "<<<1-foo2>>>" \< "<<<1-foo10>>>" (correctly automatically "switching" to 
numeric order)
-  * "<<<>>>" = "<<<1-foo>>>" \< "<<<1-1>>>" = "<<<1.1>>>"
+  * "<<<>>>" = "<<<1-foo>>>" \< "<<<1-1>>>" \< "<<<1.1>>>"
   * "<<<>>>" = "<<<1-ga>>>" = "<<<1-0>>>" = "<<<1.0>>>" = "<<<1>>>" 
(removing of trailing "null" values)
@@ -487,23 +487,23 @@ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar -Dartifa
   * "<<<1-sp.1>>>" \> "<<<1-ga.1>>>"
-  * "<<<1-sp-1>>>" \> "<<<1-ga-1>>>"
+  * "<<<1-sp-1>>>" \< "<<<1-ga-1>>>"
   * "<<<1-a1>>>" = "<<<1-alpha-1>>>"
   * "<<<1.0-alpha1>>>" = "<<<1.0-ALPHA1>>>" (case insensitivity)
-  * "<<<1.7>>>" \> "1.K"
+  * "<<<1.7>>>" \> "<<<1.K>>>"
-  * "<<5.zebra>>>" \> "5.aardvark"
+  * "<<<5.zebra>>>" \> "<<<5.aardvark>>>"
-  * "<<1.α>>>" \> "1.b" (Note the Greek letter alpha.)
+  * "<<<1.α>>>" \> "<<<1.b>>>" (Note the Greek letter alpha.)
   Note: Contrary to what was stated in some design documents, for version 
order, snapshots are not treated differently than releases or any other 
   Note: As <<<2.0-rc1>>> \< <<<2.0>>>, the version requirement <<<[1.0,2.0)>>> 
excludes <<<2.0>>> but includes version <<<2.0-rc1>>>, which is contrary to
   what most people expect. In addition, Gradle interprets it differently, 
resulting in different dependency trees for the same POM.
-  If the intention is to restrict it to <1.*> versions, the better version 
requirement is <<<[1,1.999999)>>>.
+  If the intention is to restrict it to <<<1.*>>> versions, the better version 
requirement is <<<[1,1.999999]>>> or <<<[1,2-alpha)>>>.
 **** Version Order Testing

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