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elharo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new e960818f Fix run-on sentence (#344)
e960818f is described below

commit e960818fa7c82e20825d35e46d138938883ad38a
Author: Elliotte Rusty Harold <>
AuthorDate: Sun Dec 15 00:06:05 2024 +0000

    Fix run-on sentence (#344)
    * Fix run-on sentence
 .../src/site/apt/examples/generate-report.apt.vm                  | 8 +++++---
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index c66afdbd..7f0e7e31 100644
--- a/maven-plugin-report-plugin/src/site/apt/examples/generate-report.apt.vm
+++ b/maven-plugin-report-plugin/src/site/apt/examples/generate-report.apt.vm
@@ -59,11 +59,13 @@ Configuring Generation of Documentation Reports
  The standard report goal <<<report>>> invokes separate lifecyle of 
  In a CI environment you now might execute something like <<<mvn clean deploy 
- During <<<site>>> build the standard reports will trigger 
<<<process-classes>>> again, depending on your build this may take some time, 
- stuff like <<<enforcer>>> or generating stubs from a WDSL will be invoked 
again, which may lead
+ During <<<site>>> build the standard reports will trigger 
<<<process-classes>>> again.
+ Depending on your build this may take some time because
+ stuff like <<<enforcer>>> or generating stubs from a WSDL will be invoked 
again, which may lead
  to longer build times.
- As of version 3.14.0 a new report goal is defined, <<<report-no-fork>>> which 
will not trigger above phase a second time.
+ As of version 3.14.0 a new report goal is defined, <<<report-no-fork>>> which 
will not trigger
+ the above phase a second time.
  Configure this in your <<<reporting>>> section as follows:

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