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michaelo pushed a commit to branch SUREFIRE-2282
in repository

commit 9ce5221100aa3fce8643abcdc2a35bc0c59050ef
Author: Michael Osipov <>
AuthorDate: Thu Oct 24 09:32:03 2024 +0200

    [SUREFIRE-2282] surefire-report-plugin: Update Introduction documentation 
    This closes #796
 .../src/site/apt/index.apt                         | 47 ----------------------
 1 file changed, 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/maven-surefire-report-plugin/src/site/apt/index.apt 
index fdc7f6c28..aa7169627 100644
--- a/maven-surefire-report-plugin/src/site/apt/index.apt
+++ b/maven-surefire-report-plugin/src/site/apt/index.apt
@@ -29,53 +29,6 @@ Maven Surefire Report Plugin
   <<<$\{basedir\}/target/surefire-reports>>> and renders them using DOXIA,
   which creates the web interface version of the test results.
-||Roadmap                                     ||Release Targets                
                                                              \ |
-|                                             | Maven API 3.0 and Java 1.7     
                                                              \ |
-|                                             |                                
                                                              \ |
-| 3.0.0-M1                                    | 
{{{}Maven Plugin API 3.0}}   
             \ |
-|                                             | 
{{{}Java 1.7 as minimum}}    
             \ |
-|                                             | 
{{{}See the 
Release Notes for the version 3.0.0-M1}}                                        
               \ |
-|                                             | Fixed JDK9 and Windows 
Class-Path issues, 3.0 and Legacy Report XSD, 3.0.0-M2 shadefire                
                                                                      \ |
-|                                             |                                
                                                              \ |
-| 3.0.0-M2                                    | 
{{{}3.0 and Legacy Report 
                \ |
-|                                             | 
{{{}3.0.0-M2 shadefire}}     
             \ |
-|                                             | 
{{{}See the 
Release Notes for the version 3.0.0-M2}}                                        
               \ |
-| 3.0.0-M3                                    | New interprocess communication 
and TCP/IP which fixes current blocker and critical bugs. Support of Java 11.   
                                                              \ |
-| 3.0.0-M4                                    |                                
                                                              \ |
-| 3.0.0-M5                                    | Breaking backwards 
compatibility with system properties in configuration parameters, removing 
deprecated configuration parameters and removing deprecated code, etc.         
\ |
-| 3.0.0-M6                                    | The plugin supports Java 1.8 
and Maven Plugin API 3.2.5. Many bug fixes.                                     
                                                                \ |
-|                                             | 
 Release versions}}    \ |
-| 3.0.0-M7                                    | 
 Release versions}}    \ |
-| 3.0.0                                       | 
 Release versions}}         \ |
-* Upcoming Incompatibility Notice
-  With a future minor version several mojos and output filenames will change 
for alignment with other
-  reporting plugins from <<<org.apache.maven.plugins>>>.
-  To make you aware of that, see the following table for the upcoming changes:
-|| Mojo Class Name            || New Mojo Class Name     || Output name        
  || New Output Name |
-| <<<FailsafeReportMojo>>>     | <<<FailsafeOnlyReport>>> | 
<<<failsafe-report>>> | <<<failsafe>>>  |
-| <<<SurefireReportMojo>>>     | <<<SurefireReport>>>     | 
<<<suresafe-report>>> | <<<surefire>>>  |
-| <<<SurefireReportOnlyMojo>>> | <<<SurefireOnlyReport>>> | 
<<<suresafe-report>>> | <<<surefire>>>  |
-  Details about this change can be found in 
 * Goals Overview
   The Surefire Report Plugin has three goals:

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