xinyiZzz commented on code in PR #47462:

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||
+                    config::disable_memory_gc) {
+                    // 1. Check if could revoke some memory from memtable
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                        flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                                flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                    }
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                        // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and 
not do anything more.
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO should wait here to check if the process has 
release revoked_size memory and then continue.
+                    if (!has_revoked_from_other_group) {
+                        int64_t revoked_size = revoke_memory_from_other_group_(
+                                query_ctx, wg->enable_memory_overcommit(), 
+                        if (revoked_size > 0) {
+                            has_revoked_from_other_group = true;
+                            query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                            VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                       << " is resumed after revoke memory 
from other group.";
+                            query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                            // Do not care if the revoked_size > reserve size, 
and try to run again.
+                            continue;
+                        } else {
+                            bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(
+                                    query_ctx, query_it->reserve_size_, 
+                                    query_ctx->paused_reason());
+                            if (spill_res) {
+                                VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                           << " remove from paused list";
+                                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                                continue;
+                            } else {
+                                ++query_it;
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // If any query is cancelled during process limit 
stage, should resume other query and
+                        // do not do any check now.
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted <
+                            0.05 &&
+                    query_it->cache_ratio_ > 0.05) {
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                              << " will be resume after cache adjust.";
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                ++query_it;
+            }
+        }
+        bool is_low_watermark = false;
+        bool is_high_watermark = false;
+        wg->check_mem_used(&is_low_watermark, &is_high_watermark);
+        // Not need waiting flush memtable and below low watermark disable 
load buffer limit
+        if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0 && !is_low_watermark) {
+            wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(false);
+        }
+        if (queries_list.empty()) {
+            it = _paused_queries_list.erase(it);
+            continue;
+        } else {
+            // Finished deal with one workload group, and should deal with 
next one.
+            ++it;
+        }
+    }
+    if (has_query_exceed_process_memlimit) {

Review Comment:
   这里应该是 `if (!has_query_exceed_process_memlimit)` 吧,取反

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =

Review Comment:
   TODO:对 cache 容量的调整放在这里不太好,后面看有没有更好的实现方式

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||
+                    config::disable_memory_gc) {
+                    // 1. Check if could revoke some memory from memtable
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                        flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                                flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                    }
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                        // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and 
not do anything more.
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO should wait here to check if the process has 
release revoked_size memory and then continue.
+                    if (!has_revoked_from_other_group) {
+                        int64_t revoked_size = revoke_memory_from_other_group_(
+                                query_ctx, wg->enable_memory_overcommit(), 
+                        if (revoked_size > 0) {
+                            has_revoked_from_other_group = true;
+                            query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                            VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                       << " is resumed after revoke memory 
from other group.";
+                            query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                            // Do not care if the revoked_size > reserve size, 
and try to run again.

Review Comment:
   这里不管 revoked_size 是否大于 reserve size,都继续执行 query,真的没问题么。
   因为没有让 adjusted_mem_limit 生效,所以 query 重新执行后不会因为 `QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED` 进入暂停状态
   Query 再次进入暂停状态大概率还是因为 `process memory exceed`,那就会不断 revoke  overcommited 的 
wg,直到 revoke = 0,没有 overcommited 的 wg 后,才会去 spill 当前 query。看似合理,但总感觉线上会有坑,比如 
query 看起来`一卡一卡`的

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||
+                    config::disable_memory_gc) {
+                    // 1. Check if could revoke some memory from memtable
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                        flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                                flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                    }
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                        // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and 
not do anything more.
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO should wait here to check if the process has 
release revoked_size memory and then continue.
+                    if (!has_revoked_from_other_group) {
+                        int64_t revoked_size = revoke_memory_from_other_group_(
+                                query_ctx, wg->enable_memory_overcommit(), 
+                        if (revoked_size > 0) {
+                            has_revoked_from_other_group = true;
+                            query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                            VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                       << " is resumed after revoke memory 
from other group.";
+                            query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                            // Do not care if the revoked_size > reserve size, 
and try to run again.
+                            continue;
+                        } else {
+                            bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(
+                                    query_ctx, query_it->reserve_size_, 
+                                    query_ctx->paused_reason());
+                            if (spill_res) {
+                                VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                           << " remove from paused list";
+                                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                                continue;
+                            } else {
+                                ++query_it;
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {

Review Comment:
   如果已经有 query A 去 revoke 了其他 overcommited wg,并将 has_revoked_from_other_group 
设为 true
   此处让其他 query 直接继续执行不合理,因为 query A  的 reserve size 可能很小,所以 revoke 其他 
overcommited wg 很小一块内存。
   其他 query 继续执行的语义是 "所有能释放的内存都释放了,所以不管三七二十一全跑起来吧! ",但可能还有 overcommited wg 
没有全部释放 overcommited 的部分。

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||
+                    config::disable_memory_gc) {
+                    // 1. Check if could revoke some memory from memtable
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                        flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                                flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                    }
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                        // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and 
not do anything more.
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO should wait here to check if the process has 
release revoked_size memory and then continue.
+                    if (!has_revoked_from_other_group) {
+                        int64_t revoked_size = revoke_memory_from_other_group_(
+                                query_ctx, wg->enable_memory_overcommit(), 
+                        if (revoked_size > 0) {
+                            has_revoked_from_other_group = true;
+                            query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                            VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                       << " is resumed after revoke memory 
from other group.";
+                            query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                            // Do not care if the revoked_size > reserve size, 
and try to run again.
+                            continue;
+                        } else {
+                            bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(
+                                    query_ctx, query_it->reserve_size_, 
+                                    query_ctx->paused_reason());
+                            if (spill_res) {
+                                VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                           << " remove from paused list";
+                                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                                continue;
+                            } else {
+                                ++query_it;
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // If any query is cancelled during process limit 
stage, should resume other query and
+                        // do not do any check now.
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted <
+                            0.05 &&
+                    query_it->cache_ratio_ > 0.05) {

Review Comment:
   这里的问题和上面对 `cache_ratio_ < 0.05` 含义的分析一样,
   TODO:给 CacheManager 加个方法,返回所有 Cache 的使用率,若低于某个值,则认为 

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||

Review Comment:
   实际上 cache 释放需要时间,几十G的 page cache 全部释放需要接近1s,
   这里 `cache_ratio_ < 0.05` 期望的语义是 "当前所有Cache已经都释放完了,如果其他地方不能释放内存就 spill",但实际上 
Cache 可能并没有释放完。
   TODO:给 CacheManager 加个方法,返回所有 Cache 的使用率,若低于某个值,则认为 

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||
+                    config::disable_memory_gc) {
+                    // 1. Check if could revoke some memory from memtable
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                        flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                                flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                    }
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                        // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and 
not do anything more.
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO should wait here to check if the process has 
release revoked_size memory and then continue.
+                    if (!has_revoked_from_other_group) {
+                        int64_t revoked_size = revoke_memory_from_other_group_(
+                                query_ctx, wg->enable_memory_overcommit(), 
+                        if (revoked_size > 0) {
+                            has_revoked_from_other_group = true;
+                            query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                            VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                       << " is resumed after revoke memory 
from other group.";
+                            query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                            // Do not care if the revoked_size > reserve size, 
and try to run again.
+                            continue;
+                        } else {
+                            bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(
+                                    query_ctx, query_it->reserve_size_, 
+                                    query_ctx->paused_reason());
+                            if (spill_res) {
+                                VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                           << " remove from paused list";
+                                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                                continue;
+                            } else {
+                                ++query_it;
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // If any query is cancelled during process limit 
stage, should resume other query and
+                        // do not do any check now.
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted <
+                            0.05 &&
+                    query_it->cache_ratio_ > 0.05) {
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                              << " will be resume after cache adjust.";
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                ++query_it;
+            }
+        }
+        bool is_low_watermark = false;
+        bool is_high_watermark = false;
+        wg->check_mem_used(&is_low_watermark, &is_high_watermark);
+        // Not need waiting flush memtable and below low watermark disable 
load buffer limit
+        if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0 && !is_low_watermark) {
+            wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(false);
+        }
+        if (queries_list.empty()) {
+            it = _paused_queries_list.erase(it);
+            continue;
+        } else {
+            // Finished deal with one workload group, and should deal with 
next one.
+            ++it;
+        }
+    }
+    if (has_query_exceed_process_memlimit) {
+        // No query failed due to process exceed limit, so that enable cache 
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted = 
+    }
+// Return the expected free bytes if memtable could flush
+int64_t WorkloadGroupMgr::flush_memtable_from_current_group_(WorkloadGroupPtr 
+                                                             int64_t 
need_free_mem) {
+    // If there are a lot of memtable memory, then wait them flush finished.
+    MemTableMemoryLimiter* memtable_limiter =
+            doris::ExecEnv::GetInstance()->memtable_memory_limiter();
+    int64_t memtable_active_bytes = 0;
+    int64_t memtable_queue_bytes = 0;
+    int64_t memtable_flush_bytes = 0;
+    DCHECK(memtable_limiter != nullptr) << "memtable limiter is nullptr";
+    memtable_limiter->get_workload_group_memtable_usage(
+            wg->id(), &memtable_active_bytes, &memtable_queue_bytes, 
+    // TODO: should add a signal in memtable limiter to prevent new batch
+    // For example, streamload, it will not reserve many memory, but it will 
occupy many memtable memory.
+    // TODO: 0.2 should be a workload group properties. For example, the group 
is optimized for load,then the value
+    // should be larged, if the group is optimized for query, then the value 
should be smaller.
+    int64_t max_wg_memtable_bytes = wg->write_buffer_limit();
+    if (memtable_active_bytes + memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes >
+        max_wg_memtable_bytes) {
+        // There are many table in flush queue, just waiting them flush 
+        if (memtable_active_bytes < (int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6)) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 60) << wg->name()
+                                  << " load memtable size is: " << 
memtable_active_bytes << ", "
+                                  << memtable_queue_bytes << ", " << 
+                                  << ", load buffer limit is: " << 
+                                  << " wait for flush finished to release more 
+            return memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes;
+        } else {
+            // Flush some memtables(currently written) to flush queue.
+            memtable_limiter->flush_workload_group_memtables(
+                    wg->id(), memtable_active_bytes - 
(int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6));
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 60) << wg->name()
+                                  << " load memtable size is: " << 
memtable_active_bytes << ", "
+                                  << memtable_queue_bytes << ", " << 
+                                  << ", flush some active memtable to revoke 
+            return memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes + 
memtable_active_bytes -
+                   (int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+                                                          bool hard_limit, 
int64_t need_free_mem) {
+    int64_t total_freed_mem = 0;
+    std::unique_ptr<RuntimeProfile> profile = 
+    // 1. memtable like memory
+    // 2. query exceed workload group limit
+    int64_t freed_mem = revoke_overcommited_memory_(requestor, need_free_mem, 
+    total_freed_mem += freed_mem;
+    // The revoke process may kill current requestor, so should return now.
+    if (need_free_mem - total_freed_mem < 0 || requestor->is_cancelled()) {
+        return total_freed_mem;
+    }
+    if (hard_limit) {
+        freed_mem = cancel_top_query_in_overcommit_group_(need_free_mem - 
doris::QUERY_MIN_MEMORY, profile.get());

Review Comment:
   这里为啥要判断 hard_limit,然后设置一个 cancel 的 `lower_bound` 呢

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||
+                    config::disable_memory_gc) {
+                    // 1. Check if could revoke some memory from memtable
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                        flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                                flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                    }
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                        // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and 
not do anything more.
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO should wait here to check if the process has 
release revoked_size memory and then continue.
+                    if (!has_revoked_from_other_group) {
+                        int64_t revoked_size = revoke_memory_from_other_group_(
+                                query_ctx, wg->enable_memory_overcommit(), 
+                        if (revoked_size > 0) {
+                            has_revoked_from_other_group = true;
+                            query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                            VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                       << " is resumed after revoke memory 
from other group.";
+                            query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                            // Do not care if the revoked_size > reserve size, 
and try to run again.
+                            continue;
+                        } else {
+                            bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(
+                                    query_ctx, query_it->reserve_size_, 
+                                    query_ctx->paused_reason());
+                            if (spill_res) {
+                                VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                           << " remove from paused list";
+                                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                                continue;
+                            } else {
+                                ++query_it;
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // If any query is cancelled during process limit 
stage, should resume other query and
+                        // do not do any check now.
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted <
+                            0.05 &&
+                    query_it->cache_ratio_ > 0.05) {
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                              << " will be resume after cache adjust.";
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                ++query_it;
+            }
+        }
+        bool is_low_watermark = false;
+        bool is_high_watermark = false;
+        wg->check_mem_used(&is_low_watermark, &is_high_watermark);
+        // Not need waiting flush memtable and below low watermark disable 
load buffer limit
+        if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0 && !is_low_watermark) {
+            wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(false);
+        }
+        if (queries_list.empty()) {
+            it = _paused_queries_list.erase(it);
+            continue;
+        } else {
+            // Finished deal with one workload group, and should deal with 
next one.
+            ++it;
+        }
+    }
+    if (has_query_exceed_process_memlimit) {
+        // No query failed due to process exceed limit, so that enable cache 
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted = 
+    }
+// Return the expected free bytes if memtable could flush
+int64_t WorkloadGroupMgr::flush_memtable_from_current_group_(WorkloadGroupPtr 
+                                                             int64_t 
need_free_mem) {
+    // If there are a lot of memtable memory, then wait them flush finished.
+    MemTableMemoryLimiter* memtable_limiter =
+            doris::ExecEnv::GetInstance()->memtable_memory_limiter();
+    int64_t memtable_active_bytes = 0;
+    int64_t memtable_queue_bytes = 0;
+    int64_t memtable_flush_bytes = 0;
+    DCHECK(memtable_limiter != nullptr) << "memtable limiter is nullptr";
+    memtable_limiter->get_workload_group_memtable_usage(
+            wg->id(), &memtable_active_bytes, &memtable_queue_bytes, 
+    // TODO: should add a signal in memtable limiter to prevent new batch
+    // For example, streamload, it will not reserve many memory, but it will 
occupy many memtable memory.
+    // TODO: 0.2 should be a workload group properties. For example, the group 
is optimized for load,then the value
+    // should be larged, if the group is optimized for query, then the value 
should be smaller.
+    int64_t max_wg_memtable_bytes = wg->write_buffer_limit();
+    if (memtable_active_bytes + memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes >
+        max_wg_memtable_bytes) {
+        // There are many table in flush queue, just waiting them flush 
+        if (memtable_active_bytes < (int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6)) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 60) << wg->name()
+                                  << " load memtable size is: " << 
memtable_active_bytes << ", "
+                                  << memtable_queue_bytes << ", " << 
+                                  << ", load buffer limit is: " << 
+                                  << " wait for flush finished to release more 
+            return memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes;
+        } else {
+            // Flush some memtables(currently written) to flush queue.
+            memtable_limiter->flush_workload_group_memtables(
+                    wg->id(), memtable_active_bytes - 
(int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6));
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 60) << wg->name()
+                                  << " load memtable size is: " << 
memtable_active_bytes << ", "
+                                  << memtable_queue_bytes << ", " << 
+                                  << ", flush some active memtable to revoke 
+            return memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes + 
memtable_active_bytes -
+                   (int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;

Review Comment:
   所以支持 overcommit 的 wg 内存 overcommited 后,只能是 process memory 超过 soft limit 
后,由其他 wg 的 query 去释放这个 overcommited 的 wg 对吧。
   这个调用关系看似合理,但会不会导致频繁调用呢,比如 100个暂停的 query 都去 revoke 其他 wg。
   类似的需求,我第一反应在 GC 线程里通过一定策略去 revoke overcommited 的 wg。

@@ -287,6 +257,642 @@ void WorkloadGroupMgr::refresh_workload_group_metrics() {
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::add_paused_query(const std::shared_ptr<QueryContext>& 
+                                        int64_t reserve_size, const Status& 
status) {
+    DCHECK(query_ctx != nullptr);
+    query_ctx->update_paused_reason(status);
+    query_ctx->set_low_memory_mode();
+    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(false);
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    auto wg = query_ctx->workload_group();
+    auto&& [it, inserted] = _paused_queries_list[wg].emplace(
+            query_ctx, 
+            doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::any_workload_group_exceed_limit, 
+    // Check if this is an invalid reserve, for example, if the reserve size 
is too large, larger than the query limit
+    // if hard limit is enabled, then not need enable other queries hard limit.
+    if (inserted) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Insert one new paused query: " << 
+                  << ", workload group: " << wg->debug_string();
+    }
+ * Strategy 1: A revocable query should not have any running 
+ * strategy 2: If the workload group has any task exceed workload group 
memlimit, then set all queryctx's memlimit
+ * strategy 3: If any query exceed process memlimit, then should clear all 
+ * strategy 4: If any query exceed query's memlimit, then do spill disk or 
cancel it.
+ * strategy 5: If any query exceed process's memlimit and cache is zero, then 
do following:
+ */
+void WorkloadGroupMgr::handle_paused_queries() {
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto& [wg_id, wg] : _workload_groups) {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+            if (_paused_queries_list[wg].empty()) {
+                // Add an empty set to wg that not contains paused queries.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_paused_queries_lock);
+    bool has_revoked_from_other_group = false;
+    bool has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = false;
+    for (auto it = _paused_queries_list.begin(); it != 
_paused_queries_list.end();) {
+        auto& queries_list = it->second;
+        auto query_count = queries_list.size();
+        const auto& wg = it->first;
+        if (query_count != 0) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 1) << "Paused queries count of wg " << 
wg->name() << ": "
+                                 << query_count;
+        }
+        bool has_changed_hard_limit = false;
+        int64_t flushed_memtable_bytes = 0;
+        // If the query is paused because its limit exceed the query itself's 
memlimit, then just spill disk.
+        // The query's memlimit is set using slot mechanism and its value is 
set using the user settings, not
+        // by weighted value. So if reserve failed, then it is actually exceed 
+        for (auto query_it = queries_list.begin(); query_it != 
queries_list.end();) {
+            auto query_ctx = query_it->query_ctx_.lock();
+            // The query is finished during in paused list.
+            if (query_ctx == nullptr) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << query_it->query_id() << " is 
nullptr, erase it.";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (query_ctx->is_cancelled()) {
+                LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                          << " was canceled, remove from paused list";
+                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::QUERY_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Streamload, kafka load, group commit will never have query 
memory exceeded error because
+                // their  query limit is very large.
+                bool spill_res =
+                        handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                                             query_it->elapsed_time(), 
+                if (!spill_res) {
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                               << " remove from paused list";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            } else if 
(query_ctx->paused_reason().is<ErrorCode::WORKLOAD_GROUP_MEMORY_EXCEEDED>()) {
+                // Only deal with non overcommit workload group.
+                if (wg->enable_memory_overcommit()) {
+                    // Soft limit wg will only reserve failed when process 
limit exceed. But in some corner case,
+                    // when reserve, the wg is hard limit, the query reserve 
failed, but when this loop run
+                    // the wg is converted to soft limit.
+                    // So that should resume the query.
+                    LOG(WARNING)
+                            << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                            << " reserve memory failed because exceed workload 
group memlimit, it "
+                               "should not happen, resume it again. paused 
reason: "
+                            << query_ctx->paused_reason();
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // check if the reserve is too large, if it is too large,
+                // should set the query's limit only.
+                // Check the query's reserve with expected limit.
+                if (query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit() <
+                    query_ctx->get_mem_tracker()->consumption() + 
query_it->reserve_size_) {
+                    query_ctx->set_mem_limit(query_ctx->adjusted_mem_limit());
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Workload group memory reserve failed because 
+                              << query_ctx->debug_string() << " reserve size "
+                              << 
+                              << " is too large, set hard limit to "
+                              << 
+                              << " and resume running.";
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                    flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                            flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                }
+                if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                    // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and not 
do anything more.
+                    wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(true);
+                    ++query_it;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!has_changed_hard_limit) {
+                    update_queries_limit_(wg, true);
+                    has_changed_hard_limit = true;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id()) 
<< " reserve memory("
+                              << 
+                              << ") failed due to workload group memory 
exceed, "
+                                 "should set the workload group work in memory 
insufficent mode, "
+                                 "so that other query will reduce their 
+                              << " Query mem limit: "
+                              << 
+                              << " mem usage: "
+                              << PrettyPrinter::print_bytes(
+                              << ", wg: " << wg->debug_string();
+                }
+                if (wg->slot_memory_policy() == TWgSlotMemoryPolicy::NONE) {
+                    // If not enable slot memory policy, then should spill 
+                    // Maybe there are another query that use too much memory, 
but we
+                    // not encourage not enable slot memory.
+                    // TODO should kill the query that exceed limit.
+                    bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(query_ctx, 
+                    if (!spill_res) {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not put the query back to task scheduler 
immediately, because when wg's memory not sufficient,
+                    // and then set wg's flag, other query may not free memory 
very quickly.
+                    if (query_it->elapsed_time() > 
config::spill_in_paused_queue_timeout_ms) {
+                        // set wg's memory to insufficent, then add it back to 
task scheduler to run.
+                        LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << 
+                                  << " will be resume.";
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                has_query_exceed_process_memlimit = true;
+                // If wg's memlimit not exceed, but process memory exceed, it 
means cache or other metadata
+                // used too much memory. Should clean all cache here.
+                // 1. Check cache used, if cache is larger than > 0, then just 
return and wait for it to 0 to release some memory.
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05 &&
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted >
+                            0.05) {
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted =
+                            0.04;
+                    LOG(INFO) << "There are some queries need process memory, 
so that set cache "
+                                 "capacity "
+                                 "to 0 now";
+                }
+                // need to check config::disable_memory_gc here, if not, when 
config::disable_memory_gc == true,
+                // cache is not adjusted, query_it->cache_ratio_ will always 
be 1, and this if branch will nenver
+                // execute, this query will never be resumed, and will 
deadlock here
+                if ((!config::disable_memory_gc && query_it->cache_ratio_ < 
0.05) ||
+                    config::disable_memory_gc) {
+                    // 1. Check if could revoke some memory from memtable
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0) {
+                        flushed_memtable_bytes =
+                                flush_memtable_from_current_group_(wg, 
+                    }
+                    if (flushed_memtable_bytes > 0) {
+                        // Flushed some memtable, just wait flush finished and 
not do anything more.
+                        ++query_it;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO should wait here to check if the process has 
release revoked_size memory and then continue.
+                    if (!has_revoked_from_other_group) {
+                        int64_t revoked_size = revoke_memory_from_other_group_(
+                                query_ctx, wg->enable_memory_overcommit(), 
+                        if (revoked_size > 0) {
+                            has_revoked_from_other_group = true;
+                            query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                            VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                       << " is resumed after revoke memory 
from other group.";
+                            query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                            // Do not care if the revoked_size > reserve size, 
and try to run again.
+                            continue;
+                        } else {
+                            bool spill_res = handle_single_query_(
+                                    query_ctx, query_it->reserve_size_, 
+                                    query_ctx->paused_reason());
+                            if (spill_res) {
+                                VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                           << " remove from paused list";
+                                query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                                continue;
+                            } else {
+                                ++query_it;
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // If any query is cancelled during process limit 
stage, should resume other query and
+                        // do not do any check now.
+                        query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                        VLOG_DEBUG << "Query: " << 
+                                   << " remove from paused list";
+                        query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+                if 
(doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_affected_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted <
+                            0.05 &&
+                    query_it->cache_ratio_ > 0.05) {
+                    LOG(INFO) << "Query: " << print_id(query_ctx->query_id())
+                              << " will be resume after cache adjust.";
+                    query_ctx->set_memory_sufficient(true);
+                    query_it = queries_list.erase(query_it);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                ++query_it;
+            }
+        }
+        bool is_low_watermark = false;
+        bool is_high_watermark = false;
+        wg->check_mem_used(&is_low_watermark, &is_high_watermark);
+        // Not need waiting flush memtable and below low watermark disable 
load buffer limit
+        if (flushed_memtable_bytes <= 0 && !is_low_watermark) {
+            wg->enable_write_buffer_limit(false);
+        }
+        if (queries_list.empty()) {
+            it = _paused_queries_list.erase(it);
+            continue;
+        } else {
+            // Finished deal with one workload group, and should deal with 
next one.
+            ++it;
+        }
+    }
+    if (has_query_exceed_process_memlimit) {
+        // No query failed due to process exceed limit, so that enable cache 
doris::GlobalMemoryArbitrator::last_wg_trigger_cache_capacity_adjust_weighted = 
+    }
+// Return the expected free bytes if memtable could flush
+int64_t WorkloadGroupMgr::flush_memtable_from_current_group_(WorkloadGroupPtr 
+                                                             int64_t 
need_free_mem) {
+    // If there are a lot of memtable memory, then wait them flush finished.
+    MemTableMemoryLimiter* memtable_limiter =
+            doris::ExecEnv::GetInstance()->memtable_memory_limiter();
+    int64_t memtable_active_bytes = 0;
+    int64_t memtable_queue_bytes = 0;
+    int64_t memtable_flush_bytes = 0;
+    DCHECK(memtable_limiter != nullptr) << "memtable limiter is nullptr";
+    memtable_limiter->get_workload_group_memtable_usage(
+            wg->id(), &memtable_active_bytes, &memtable_queue_bytes, 
+    // TODO: should add a signal in memtable limiter to prevent new batch
+    // For example, streamload, it will not reserve many memory, but it will 
occupy many memtable memory.
+    // TODO: 0.2 should be a workload group properties. For example, the group 
is optimized for load,then the value
+    // should be larged, if the group is optimized for query, then the value 
should be smaller.
+    int64_t max_wg_memtable_bytes = wg->write_buffer_limit();
+    if (memtable_active_bytes + memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes >
+        max_wg_memtable_bytes) {
+        // There are many table in flush queue, just waiting them flush 
+        if (memtable_active_bytes < (int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6)) {
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 60) << wg->name()
+                                  << " load memtable size is: " << 
memtable_active_bytes << ", "
+                                  << memtable_queue_bytes << ", " << 
+                                  << ", load buffer limit is: " << 
+                                  << " wait for flush finished to release more 
+            return memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes;
+        } else {
+            // Flush some memtables(currently written) to flush queue.
+            memtable_limiter->flush_workload_group_memtables(
+                    wg->id(), memtable_active_bytes - 
(int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6));
+            LOG_EVERY_T(INFO, 60) << wg->name()
+                                  << " load memtable size is: " << 
memtable_active_bytes << ", "
+                                  << memtable_queue_bytes << ", " << 
+                                  << ", flush some active memtable to revoke 
+            return memtable_queue_bytes + memtable_flush_bytes + 
memtable_active_bytes -
+                   (int64_t)(max_wg_memtable_bytes * 0.6);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+                                                          bool hard_limit, 
int64_t need_free_mem) {
+    int64_t total_freed_mem = 0;
+    std::unique_ptr<RuntimeProfile> profile = 
+    // 1. memtable like memory
+    // 2. query exceed workload group limit
+    int64_t freed_mem = revoke_overcommited_memory_(requestor, need_free_mem, 
+    total_freed_mem += freed_mem;
+    // The revoke process may kill current requestor, so should return now.
+    if (need_free_mem - total_freed_mem < 0 || requestor->is_cancelled()) {
+        return total_freed_mem;
+    }
+    if (hard_limit) {
+        freed_mem = cancel_top_query_in_overcommit_group_(need_free_mem - 
doris::QUERY_MIN_MEMORY, profile.get());
+    } else {
+        freed_mem = cancel_top_query_in_overcommit_group_(
+                need_free_mem - total_freed_mem, 
+                profile.get());
+    }
+    total_freed_mem += freed_mem;
+    // The revoke process may kill current requestor, so should return now.
+    if (need_free_mem - total_freed_mem < 0 || requestor->is_cancelled()) {
+        return total_freed_mem;
+    }
+    return total_freed_mem;
+// Revoke memory from workload group that exceed it's limit. For example, if 
the wg's limit is 10g, but used 12g
+// then should revoke 2g from the group.
+                                                      int64_t need_free_mem,
+                                                      RuntimeProfile* profile) 
+    int64_t total_freed_mem = 0;
+    // 1. check memtable usage, and try to free them.
+    int64_t freed_mem = 
revoke_memtable_from_overcommited_groups_(need_free_mem, profile);
+    total_freed_mem += freed_mem;
+    // The revoke process may kill current requestor, so should return now.
+    if (need_free_mem - total_freed_mem < 0 || requestor->is_cancelled()) {
+        return total_freed_mem;
+    }
+    // 2. Cancel top usage query, one by one
+    using WorkloadGroupMem = std::pair<WorkloadGroupPtr, int64_t>;
+    auto cmp = [](WorkloadGroupMem left, WorkloadGroupMem right) {
+        return left.second < right.second;
+    };
+    std::priority_queue<WorkloadGroupMem, std::vector<WorkloadGroupMem>, 
decltype(cmp)> heap(cmp);
+    {
+        std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> r_lock(_group_mutex);
+        for (auto iter = _workload_groups.begin(); iter != 
_workload_groups.end(); iter++) {
+            if (requestor->workload_group() != nullptr &&
+                iter->second->id() == requestor->workload_group()->id()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            heap.emplace(iter->second, iter->second->memory_used());
+        }
+    }
+    while (!heap.empty() && need_free_mem - total_freed_mem > 0 && 
!requestor->is_cancelled()) {
+        auto [wg, sort_mem] =;
+        heap.pop();
+        freed_mem = wg->free_overcommited_memory(need_free_mem - 
total_freed_mem, profile);
+        total_freed_mem += freed_mem;
+    }
+    return total_freed_mem;
+// If the memtable is too large, then flush them and wait for finished.
+int64_t WorkloadGroupMgr::revoke_memtable_from_overcommited_groups_(int64_t 
RuntimeProfile* profile) {
+    return 0;
+// 1. Sort all memory limiter in all overcommit wg, and cancel the top usage 
task that with most memory.
+// 2. Maybe not valid because it's memory not exceed limit.
+int64_t WorkloadGroupMgr::cancel_top_query_in_overcommit_group_(int64_t 

Review Comment:
   TODO:我后面会实现,但如上所说,revoke overcommited wg 的触发位置有待商榷

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