github-actions[bot] commented on code in PR #43536:

@@ -873,4 +908,470 @@ Status 
StreamLoadAction::_handle_group_commit(HttpRequest* req,
     return Status::OK();
+void StreamLoadAction::_httpstream_handle(HttpRequest* req,
+                                          std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> 
ctx) {
+    // status already set to fail
+    if (ctx->status.ok()) {
+        ctx->status = _http_stream_handle(req, ctx);
+        if (!ctx->status.ok() && !ctx-><PUBLISH_TIMEOUT>()) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "handle streaming load failed, id=" << ctx->id
+                         << ", errmsg=" << ctx->status;
+        }
+    }
+    ctx->load_cost_millis = UnixMillis() - ctx->start_millis;
+    if (!ctx->status.ok() && !ctx-><PUBLISH_TIMEOUT>()) {
+        if (ctx->body_sink != nullptr) {
+            ctx->body_sink->cancel(ctx->status.to_string());
+        }
+    }
+    if (!ctx->status.ok()) {
+        auto str = std::string(ctx->to_json());
+        // add new line at end
+        str = str + '\n';
+        HttpChannel::send_reply(req, str);
+        return;
+    }
+    auto str = std::string(ctx->to_json());
+    // add new line at end
+    str = str + '\n';
+    HttpChannel::send_reply(req, str);
+    if (config::enable_stream_load_record) {
+        str = ctx->prepare_stream_load_record(str);
+        _save_stream_load_record(ctx, str);
+    }
+    // update statistics
+    streaming_load_requests_total->increment(1);
+    streaming_load_duration_ms->increment(ctx->load_cost_millis);
+Status StreamLoadAction::_http_stream_handle(HttpRequest* http_req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    if (ctx->body_bytes > 0 && ctx->receive_bytes != ctx->body_bytes) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "recevie body don't equal with body bytes, 
body_bytes=" << ctx->body_bytes
+                     << ", receive_bytes=" << ctx->receive_bytes << ", id=" << 
+        return Status::Error<ErrorCode::NETWORK_ERROR>("receive body don't 
equal with body bytes");
+    }
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx->body_sink->finish());
+    // wait stream load finish
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx->future.get());
+    if (ctx->group_commit) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "skip commit because this is group commit, pipe_id=" << 
+        return Status::OK();
+    }
+    if (ctx->two_phase_commit) {
+        int64_t pre_commit_start_time = MonotonicNanos();
+        ctx->pre_commit_txn_cost_nanos = MonotonicNanos() - 
+    } else {
+        // If put file success we need commit this load
+        int64_t commit_and_publish_start_time = MonotonicNanos();
+        ctx->commit_and_publish_txn_cost_nanos = MonotonicNanos() - 
+    }
+    return Status::OK();
+int StreamLoadAction::_httpstream_on_header(HttpRequest* req,
+                                            std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> 
ctx) {
+    req->set_handler_ctx(ctx);
+    ctx->load_type = TLoadType::MANUL_LOAD;
+    ctx->load_src_type = TLoadSourceType::RAW;
+    ctx->two_phase_commit = req->header(HTTP_TWO_PHASE_COMMIT) == "true";
+    Status st = _handle_group_commit(req, ctx);
+    LOG(INFO) << "new income streaming load request." << ctx->brief() << " sql 
: " << ctx->sql_str
+              << ", group_commit=" << ctx->group_commit;
+    if (st.ok()) {
+        st = _http_stream_on_header(req, ctx);
+    }
+    if (!st.ok()) {
+        ctx->status = std::move(st);
+        if (ctx->body_sink != nullptr) {
+            ctx->body_sink->cancel(ctx->status.to_string());
+        }
+        auto str = ctx->to_json();
+        // add new line at end
+        str = str + '\n';
+        HttpChannel::send_reply(req, str);
+        if (config::enable_stream_load_record) {
+            str = ctx->prepare_stream_load_record(str);
+            _save_stream_load_record(ctx, str);
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+Status StreamLoadAction::_http_stream_on_header(HttpRequest* http_req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    // auth information
+    if (!parse_basic_auth(*http_req, &ctx->auth)) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "parse basic authorization failed." << ctx->brief();
+        return Status::NotAuthorized("no valid Basic authorization");
+    }
+    // TODO(zs) : need Need to request an FE to obtain information such as 
+    // check content length
+    ctx->body_bytes = 0;
+    size_t csv_max_body_bytes = config::streaming_load_max_mb * 1024 * 1024;
+    if (!http_req->header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH).empty()) {
+        try {
+            ctx->body_bytes = 
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid HTTP header 
http_req->header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH), e.what());
+        }
+        // csv max body size
+        if (ctx->body_bytes > csv_max_body_bytes) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "body exceed max size." << ctx->brief();
+            return Status::Error<ErrorCode::EXCEEDED_LIMIT>(
+                    "body size {} exceed BE's conf `streaming_load_max_mb` {}. 
increase it if you "
+                    "are sure this load is reasonable",
+                    ctx->body_bytes, csv_max_body_bytes);
+        }
+    }
+    auto pipe = std::make_shared<io::StreamLoadPipe>(
+            io::kMaxPipeBufferedBytes /* max_buffered_bytes */, 64 * 1024 /* 
min_chunk_size */,
+            ctx->body_bytes /* total_length */);
+    ctx->body_sink = pipe;
+    ctx->pipe = pipe;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(_exec_env->new_load_stream_mgr()->put(ctx->id, ctx));
+    // Here, transactions are set from fe's NativeInsertStmt.
+    // TODO(zs) : How to support two_phase_commit
+    return Status::OK();
+void StreamLoadAction::_httpstream_on_chunk_data(HttpRequest* req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_WAL_ID_KY).empty()) {
+        ctx->wal_id = std::stoll(req->header(HTTP_WAL_ID_KY));
+    }
+    struct evhttp_request* ev_req = req->get_evhttp_request();
+    auto evbuf = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(ev_req);
+    SCOPED_ATTACH_TASK(ExecEnv::GetInstance()->stream_load_pipe_tracker());
+    int64_t start_read_data_time = MonotonicNanos();
+    Status st = ctx->allocate_schema_buffer();
+    if (!st.ok()) {
+        ctx->status = st;
+        return;
+    }
+    while (evbuffer_get_length(evbuf) > 0) {
+        ByteBufferPtr bb;
+        st = ByteBuffer::allocate(128 * 1024, &bb);
+        if (!st.ok()) {
+            ctx->status = st;
+            return;
+        }
+        auto remove_bytes = evbuffer_remove(evbuf, bb->ptr, bb->capacity);
+        bb->pos = remove_bytes;
+        bb->flip();
+        st = ctx->body_sink->append(bb);
+        // schema_buffer stores 1M of data for parsing column information
+        // need to determine whether to cache for the first time
+        if (ctx->is_read_schema) {
+            if (ctx->schema_buffer()->pos + remove_bytes < 
config::stream_tvf_buffer_size) {
+                ctx->schema_buffer()->put_bytes(bb->ptr, remove_bytes);
+            } else {
+                LOG(INFO) << "use a portion of data to request fe to obtain 
column information";
+                ctx->is_read_schema = false;
+                ctx->status = httpstream_process_put(req, ctx);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!st.ok()) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "append body content failed. errmsg=" << st << ", 
" << ctx->brief();
+            ctx->status = st;
+            return;
+        }
+        ctx->receive_bytes += remove_bytes;
+    }
+    // after all the data has been read and it has not reached 1M, it will 
execute here
+    if (ctx->is_read_schema) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "after all the data has been read and it has not reached 
1M, it will execute "
+                  << "here";
+        ctx->is_read_schema = false;
+        ctx->status = httpstream_process_put(req, ctx);
+    }
+    ctx->read_data_cost_nanos += (MonotonicNanos() - start_read_data_time);
+Status StreamLoadAction::httpstream_process_put(HttpRequest* http_req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    TStreamLoadPutRequest request;
+    if (http_req != nullptr) {
+        request.__set_load_sql(ctx->sql_str);
+        if (!http_req->header(HTTP_MEMTABLE_ON_SINKNODE).empty()) {
+            bool value = iequal(http_req->header(HTTP_MEMTABLE_ON_SINKNODE), 
+            request.__set_memtable_on_sink_node(value);
+        }
+    } else {
+        request.__set_token(ctx->auth.token);
+        request.__set_load_sql(ctx->sql_str);
+        ctx->auth.token = "";
+    }
+    set_request_auth(&request, ctx->auth);
+    request.__set_loadId(ctx->id.to_thrift());
+    request.__set_label(ctx->label);
+    if (ctx->group_commit) {
+        if (!http_req->header(HTTP_GROUP_COMMIT).empty()) {
+        } else {
+            // used for wait_internal_group_commit_finish
+            request.__set_group_commit_mode("sync_mode");
+        }
+    }
+    if (_exec_env->master_info()->__isset.backend_id) {
+        request.__set_backend_id(_exec_env->master_info()->backend_id);
+    } else {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "_exec_env->master_info not set backend_id";
+    }
+    // plan this load
+    TNetworkAddress master_addr = _exec_env->master_info()->network_address;
+    int64_t stream_load_put_start_time = MonotonicNanos();
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ThriftRpcHelper::rpc<FrontendServiceClient>(
+            master_addr.hostname, master_addr.port,
+            [&request, ctx](FrontendServiceConnection& client) {
+                client->streamLoadPut(ctx->put_result, request);
+            }));
+    ctx->stream_load_put_cost_nanos = MonotonicNanos() - 
+    Status plan_status(Status::create(ctx->put_result.status));
+    if (!plan_status.ok()) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "plan streaming load failed. errmsg=" << plan_status 
<< ctx->brief();
+        return plan_status;
+    }
+    if (config::is_cloud_mode() && ctx->two_phase_commit && 
ctx->is_mow_table()) {
+        return Status::NotSupported("http stream 2pc is unsupported for mow 
+    }
+    ctx->db = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.db_name;
+    ctx->table = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.table_name;
+    ctx->txn_id = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.txn_conf.txn_id;
+    ctx->label = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.import_label;
+    ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.__set_wal_id(ctx->wal_id);
+    if (http_req != nullptr && http_req->header(HTTP_GROUP_COMMIT) == 
"async_mode") {
+        // FIXME find a way to avoid chunked stream load write large WALs
+        size_t content_length = 0;
+        if (!http_req->header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH).empty()) {
+            try {
+                content_length = 
+            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+                return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid HTTP header 
+                                               e.what());
+            }
+            if (ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_GZ ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZO ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_BZ2 ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZ4FRAME ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZOP ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZ4BLOCK ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_SNAPPYBLOCK) {
+                content_length *= 3;
+            }
+        }
+        ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.__set_content_length(content_length);
+    }
+    return _exec_env->stream_load_executor()->execute_plan_fragment(ctx);
+Status StreamLoadAction::_construct_sql_from_req(HttpRequest* req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    string db_name;
+    string table_name;
+    url_decode(req->param(HTTP_DB_KEY), &db_name);
+    url_decode(req->param(HTTP_TABLE_KEY), &table_name);
+    string& sql = ctx->sql_str;
+    sql = "INSERT INTO ";
+    sql += db_name + "." + table_name + " ";
+    sql += "SELECT * ";
+    sql += "FROM http_stream(";
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty()) {
+        const auto& enclose_str = req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE);
+        if (enclose_str.length() != 1) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument("enclose must be single-char, 
actually is {}",
+                                           enclose_str);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty()) {
+        const auto& escape_str = req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE);
+        if (escape_str.length() != 1) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument("escape must be single-char, 
actually is {}",
+                                           escape_str);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+        if (!req->header(HTTP_TEMP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument(
+                    "Can not specify both partitions and temporary 
+        }
+    }
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_TEMP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+        if (!req->header(HTTP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument(
+                    "Can not specify both partitions and temporary 
+        }

Review Comment:
   warning: function '_construct_sql_from_req' exceeds recommended 
size/complexity thresholds [readability-function-size]
   Status StreamLoadAction::_construct_sql_from_req(HttpRequest* req,
   <summary>Additional context</summary>
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1229:** 186 lines including whitespace 
and comments (threshold 80)
   Status StreamLoadAction::_construct_sql_from_req(HttpRequest* req,

@@ -873,4 +908,470 @@ Status 
StreamLoadAction::_handle_group_commit(HttpRequest* req,
     return Status::OK();
+void StreamLoadAction::_httpstream_handle(HttpRequest* req,
+                                          std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> 
ctx) {
+    // status already set to fail
+    if (ctx->status.ok()) {
+        ctx->status = _http_stream_handle(req, ctx);
+        if (!ctx->status.ok() && !ctx-><PUBLISH_TIMEOUT>()) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "handle streaming load failed, id=" << ctx->id
+                         << ", errmsg=" << ctx->status;
+        }
+    }
+    ctx->load_cost_millis = UnixMillis() - ctx->start_millis;
+    if (!ctx->status.ok() && !ctx-><PUBLISH_TIMEOUT>()) {
+        if (ctx->body_sink != nullptr) {
+            ctx->body_sink->cancel(ctx->status.to_string());
+        }
+    }
+    if (!ctx->status.ok()) {
+        auto str = std::string(ctx->to_json());
+        // add new line at end
+        str = str + '\n';
+        HttpChannel::send_reply(req, str);
+        return;
+    }
+    auto str = std::string(ctx->to_json());
+    // add new line at end
+    str = str + '\n';
+    HttpChannel::send_reply(req, str);
+    if (config::enable_stream_load_record) {
+        str = ctx->prepare_stream_load_record(str);
+        _save_stream_load_record(ctx, str);
+    }
+    // update statistics
+    streaming_load_requests_total->increment(1);
+    streaming_load_duration_ms->increment(ctx->load_cost_millis);
+Status StreamLoadAction::_http_stream_handle(HttpRequest* http_req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    if (ctx->body_bytes > 0 && ctx->receive_bytes != ctx->body_bytes) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "recevie body don't equal with body bytes, 
body_bytes=" << ctx->body_bytes
+                     << ", receive_bytes=" << ctx->receive_bytes << ", id=" << 
+        return Status::Error<ErrorCode::NETWORK_ERROR>("receive body don't 
equal with body bytes");
+    }
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx->body_sink->finish());
+    // wait stream load finish
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx->future.get());
+    if (ctx->group_commit) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "skip commit because this is group commit, pipe_id=" << 
+        return Status::OK();
+    }
+    if (ctx->two_phase_commit) {
+        int64_t pre_commit_start_time = MonotonicNanos();
+        ctx->pre_commit_txn_cost_nanos = MonotonicNanos() - 
+    } else {
+        // If put file success we need commit this load
+        int64_t commit_and_publish_start_time = MonotonicNanos();
+        ctx->commit_and_publish_txn_cost_nanos = MonotonicNanos() - 
+    }
+    return Status::OK();
+int StreamLoadAction::_httpstream_on_header(HttpRequest* req,
+                                            std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> 
ctx) {
+    req->set_handler_ctx(ctx);
+    ctx->load_type = TLoadType::MANUL_LOAD;
+    ctx->load_src_type = TLoadSourceType::RAW;
+    ctx->two_phase_commit = req->header(HTTP_TWO_PHASE_COMMIT) == "true";
+    Status st = _handle_group_commit(req, ctx);
+    LOG(INFO) << "new income streaming load request." << ctx->brief() << " sql 
: " << ctx->sql_str
+              << ", group_commit=" << ctx->group_commit;
+    if (st.ok()) {
+        st = _http_stream_on_header(req, ctx);
+    }
+    if (!st.ok()) {
+        ctx->status = std::move(st);
+        if (ctx->body_sink != nullptr) {
+            ctx->body_sink->cancel(ctx->status.to_string());
+        }
+        auto str = ctx->to_json();
+        // add new line at end
+        str = str + '\n';
+        HttpChannel::send_reply(req, str);
+        if (config::enable_stream_load_record) {
+            str = ctx->prepare_stream_load_record(str);
+            _save_stream_load_record(ctx, str);
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+Status StreamLoadAction::_http_stream_on_header(HttpRequest* http_req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    // auth information
+    if (!parse_basic_auth(*http_req, &ctx->auth)) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "parse basic authorization failed." << ctx->brief();
+        return Status::NotAuthorized("no valid Basic authorization");
+    }
+    // TODO(zs) : need Need to request an FE to obtain information such as 
+    // check content length
+    ctx->body_bytes = 0;
+    size_t csv_max_body_bytes = config::streaming_load_max_mb * 1024 * 1024;
+    if (!http_req->header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH).empty()) {
+        try {
+            ctx->body_bytes = 
+        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid HTTP header 
http_req->header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH), e.what());
+        }
+        // csv max body size
+        if (ctx->body_bytes > csv_max_body_bytes) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "body exceed max size." << ctx->brief();
+            return Status::Error<ErrorCode::EXCEEDED_LIMIT>(
+                    "body size {} exceed BE's conf `streaming_load_max_mb` {}. 
increase it if you "
+                    "are sure this load is reasonable",
+                    ctx->body_bytes, csv_max_body_bytes);
+        }
+    }
+    auto pipe = std::make_shared<io::StreamLoadPipe>(
+            io::kMaxPipeBufferedBytes /* max_buffered_bytes */, 64 * 1024 /* 
min_chunk_size */,
+            ctx->body_bytes /* total_length */);
+    ctx->body_sink = pipe;
+    ctx->pipe = pipe;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(_exec_env->new_load_stream_mgr()->put(ctx->id, ctx));
+    // Here, transactions are set from fe's NativeInsertStmt.
+    // TODO(zs) : How to support two_phase_commit
+    return Status::OK();
+void StreamLoadAction::_httpstream_on_chunk_data(HttpRequest* req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_WAL_ID_KY).empty()) {
+        ctx->wal_id = std::stoll(req->header(HTTP_WAL_ID_KY));
+    }
+    struct evhttp_request* ev_req = req->get_evhttp_request();
+    auto evbuf = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(ev_req);
+    SCOPED_ATTACH_TASK(ExecEnv::GetInstance()->stream_load_pipe_tracker());
+    int64_t start_read_data_time = MonotonicNanos();
+    Status st = ctx->allocate_schema_buffer();
+    if (!st.ok()) {
+        ctx->status = st;
+        return;
+    }
+    while (evbuffer_get_length(evbuf) > 0) {
+        ByteBufferPtr bb;
+        st = ByteBuffer::allocate(128 * 1024, &bb);
+        if (!st.ok()) {
+            ctx->status = st;
+            return;
+        }
+        auto remove_bytes = evbuffer_remove(evbuf, bb->ptr, bb->capacity);
+        bb->pos = remove_bytes;
+        bb->flip();
+        st = ctx->body_sink->append(bb);
+        // schema_buffer stores 1M of data for parsing column information
+        // need to determine whether to cache for the first time
+        if (ctx->is_read_schema) {
+            if (ctx->schema_buffer()->pos + remove_bytes < 
config::stream_tvf_buffer_size) {
+                ctx->schema_buffer()->put_bytes(bb->ptr, remove_bytes);
+            } else {
+                LOG(INFO) << "use a portion of data to request fe to obtain 
column information";
+                ctx->is_read_schema = false;
+                ctx->status = httpstream_process_put(req, ctx);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!st.ok()) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "append body content failed. errmsg=" << st << ", 
" << ctx->brief();
+            ctx->status = st;
+            return;
+        }
+        ctx->receive_bytes += remove_bytes;
+    }
+    // after all the data has been read and it has not reached 1M, it will 
execute here
+    if (ctx->is_read_schema) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "after all the data has been read and it has not reached 
1M, it will execute "
+                  << "here";
+        ctx->is_read_schema = false;
+        ctx->status = httpstream_process_put(req, ctx);
+    }
+    ctx->read_data_cost_nanos += (MonotonicNanos() - start_read_data_time);
+Status StreamLoadAction::httpstream_process_put(HttpRequest* http_req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    TStreamLoadPutRequest request;
+    if (http_req != nullptr) {
+        request.__set_load_sql(ctx->sql_str);
+        if (!http_req->header(HTTP_MEMTABLE_ON_SINKNODE).empty()) {
+            bool value = iequal(http_req->header(HTTP_MEMTABLE_ON_SINKNODE), 
+            request.__set_memtable_on_sink_node(value);
+        }
+    } else {
+        request.__set_token(ctx->auth.token);
+        request.__set_load_sql(ctx->sql_str);
+        ctx->auth.token = "";
+    }
+    set_request_auth(&request, ctx->auth);
+    request.__set_loadId(ctx->id.to_thrift());
+    request.__set_label(ctx->label);
+    if (ctx->group_commit) {
+        if (!http_req->header(HTTP_GROUP_COMMIT).empty()) {
+        } else {
+            // used for wait_internal_group_commit_finish
+            request.__set_group_commit_mode("sync_mode");
+        }
+    }
+    if (_exec_env->master_info()->__isset.backend_id) {
+        request.__set_backend_id(_exec_env->master_info()->backend_id);
+    } else {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "_exec_env->master_info not set backend_id";
+    }
+    // plan this load
+    TNetworkAddress master_addr = _exec_env->master_info()->network_address;
+    int64_t stream_load_put_start_time = MonotonicNanos();
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ThriftRpcHelper::rpc<FrontendServiceClient>(
+            master_addr.hostname, master_addr.port,
+            [&request, ctx](FrontendServiceConnection& client) {
+                client->streamLoadPut(ctx->put_result, request);
+            }));
+    ctx->stream_load_put_cost_nanos = MonotonicNanos() - 
+    Status plan_status(Status::create(ctx->put_result.status));
+    if (!plan_status.ok()) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "plan streaming load failed. errmsg=" << plan_status 
<< ctx->brief();
+        return plan_status;
+    }
+    if (config::is_cloud_mode() && ctx->two_phase_commit && 
ctx->is_mow_table()) {
+        return Status::NotSupported("http stream 2pc is unsupported for mow 
+    }
+    ctx->db = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.db_name;
+    ctx->table = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.table_name;
+    ctx->txn_id = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.txn_conf.txn_id;
+    ctx->label = ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.import_label;
+    ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.__set_wal_id(ctx->wal_id);
+    if (http_req != nullptr && http_req->header(HTTP_GROUP_COMMIT) == 
"async_mode") {
+        // FIXME find a way to avoid chunked stream load write large WALs
+        size_t content_length = 0;
+        if (!http_req->header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH).empty()) {
+            try {
+                content_length = 
+            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+                return Status::InvalidArgument("invalid HTTP header 
+                                               e.what());
+            }
+            if (ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_GZ ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZO ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_BZ2 ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZ4FRAME ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZOP ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_LZ4BLOCK ||
+                ctx->format == TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_SNAPPYBLOCK) {
+                content_length *= 3;
+            }
+        }
+        ctx->put_result.pipeline_params.__set_content_length(content_length);
+    }
+    return _exec_env->stream_load_executor()->execute_plan_fragment(ctx);
+Status StreamLoadAction::_construct_sql_from_req(HttpRequest* req,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadContext> ctx) {
+    string db_name;
+    string table_name;
+    url_decode(req->param(HTTP_DB_KEY), &db_name);
+    url_decode(req->param(HTTP_TABLE_KEY), &table_name);
+    string& sql = ctx->sql_str;
+    sql = "INSERT INTO ";
+    sql += db_name + "." + table_name + " ";
+    sql += "SELECT * ";
+    sql += "FROM http_stream(";
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty()) {
+        const auto& enclose_str = req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE);
+        if (enclose_str.length() != 1) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument("enclose must be single-char, 
actually is {}",
+                                           enclose_str);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty()) {
+        const auto& escape_str = req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE);
+        if (escape_str.length() != 1) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument("escape must be single-char, 
actually is {}",
+                                           escape_str);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+        if (!req->header(HTTP_TEMP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument(
+                    "Can not specify both partitions and temporary 
+        }
+    }
+    if (!req->header(HTTP_TEMP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+        if (!req->header(HTTP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
+            return Status::InvalidArgument(
+                    "Can not specify both partitions and temporary 
+        }

Review Comment:
   warning: function '_construct_sql_from_req' has cognitive complexity of 102 
(threshold 50) [readability-function-cognitive-complexity]
   Status StreamLoadAction::_construct_sql_from_req(HttpRequest* req,
   <summary>Additional context</summary>
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1246:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1246:** +1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ENCLOSE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1248:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           if (enclose_str.length() != 1) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1253:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1253:** +1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty() && 
!req->header(HTTP_ESCAPE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1255:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           if (escape_str.length() != 1) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1260:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1261:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           if (!req->header(HTTP_TEMP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1266:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_TEMP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1267:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           if (!req->header(HTTP_PARTITIONS).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1273:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_SEND_BATCH_PARALLELISM).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1276:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1279:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1288:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_MERGE_TYPE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1291:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           if (iter != merge_type_map.end()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1293:** +1, nesting level increased to 2
           } else {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1296:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           if (merge_type == TMergeType::MERGE && 
req->header(HTTP_DELETE_CONDITION).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1298:** +1, nesting level increased to 2
           } else if (merge_type != TMergeType::MERGE && 
!req->header(HTTP_DELETE_CONDITION).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1304:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_UNIQUE_KEY_UPDATE_MODE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1311:** +2, including nesting penalty 
of 1, nesting level increased to 2
           if (iter != unique_key_update_mode_map.end()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1313:** +3, including nesting penalty 
of 2, nesting level increased to 3
               if (unique_key_update_mode == 
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1315:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (ctx->format != TFileFormatType::FORMAT_JSON) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1320:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_FUZZY_PARSE).empty() &&
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1320:** +1
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_FUZZY_PARSE).empty() &&
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1325:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_COLUMNS).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1329:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_JSONPATHS).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1333:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_HIDDEN_COLUMNS).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1338:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_FUNCTION_COLUMN + "." + 
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1343:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_MERGE_TYPE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1348:** +4, including nesting penalty 
of 3, nesting level increased to 4
                   if (!req->header(HTTP_WHERE).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1354:** +1, nesting level increased to 2
           } else {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1362:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_FORMAT_KEY).empty()) {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1365:** +1, nesting level increased to 1
       } else {
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1374:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1375:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1376:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1377:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1378:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1379:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1380:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1381:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1382:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1383:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1384:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1385:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1386:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1387:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1388:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1389:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1390:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1391:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1392:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1393:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1394:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1395:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1396:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1397:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1398:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1399:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1400:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1401:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1402:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1403:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1404:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1405:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1406:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1370:** expanded from macro 
       if (!req->header(PROPERTIY_KEY).empty()) {                               
   **be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp:1411:** +1, including nesting penalty 
of 0, nesting level increased to 1
       if (!req->header(HTTP_WHERE).empty()) {

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