On 10/21/2010 02:30 PM, Jim Meyering wrote:
> Markus Duft wrote:
>>> I see that you have FSF copyright assignments on file
>>> for other projects, but not yet for gnulib.
>>> Can you start that process?
>>> Once that's done, we can proceed.
>> phew - the other assignments are quite a while ago - i can't remember
>> the exact process. can you help me a little? where can i get the papers
>> from?
> Sure.  I'll send that separately.
> FYI, some details are here:
>   http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Papers.html

So, finally, i think assignments are in place :) i didn't receive a copy of em 
yet (clerk told me he'll send the copy now a few weeks ago, but he said they 
are in place). can we proceed?

Regards, Markus

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