I emailed about a month ago asking if there was any timeline for the python 3.11 release. I haven't seen anything mentioned about the 3.11 upgrade here on the list since then. Searching the archives for arch-dev-public didn't turn up anything either.

Again, I realize this a big upgrade with lots of dependent packages, and so will likely take a while. Totally get that. And I'm not asking for a specific date. Rather I'm wondering:

* Is there a roadmap for the 3.11 release? (I.e., the necessary steps/milestones that need to be completed before releasing?)

* If so, where we are on that roadmap?

Again, I'm not looking for a specific release date, but rather just hoping to get a little more transparency into the process. I don't think that's a particularly unreasonable think to ask about. (I.e., not deserving of defensive "stop bugging me" emails in response.) And I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be interested in the answers to those questions.

If anyone might have any updates to share on this (or links to where I could find some) I'd very much appreciate it.



On 11/8/22 11:33 AM, Merell L. Matlock, Jr. wrote:
On Tue, Nov 08, 2022 at 11:18:57AM -0500, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
Anyone know if there's any timeline on when we'll see python 3.11 get
released to Arch?

I know this is a big upgrade, and lots of dependent packages are involved,
so this might require some time.  I just was wondering if there was any
roadmap/timeline for how long that might be.

As with any other Arch package...it'll be released when it's ready
(please stop bugging devs/maintainers).

Search the archives of `Arch-Dev-Public`.  There's a lot of things going
on for this upgrade.


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