On 10/30/22 6:27 PM, Genes Lists wrote:

Hi David / Jaron

One thought - typically dmarc gets dkim validation from a separate milter  dmarc.

And many folks still run opendkim which is unmaintained.
Versions prior to 2.11.0.Beta2 (which arch kindly offers) are definitely broken. I don't even trust that one.

Jaron do you run opendkim by chance?

dkimpy-milter seems to work much better than opendkim, though of course you cannot help what other people's servers run.

I see your dkim is relaxed/relaxed which should help keep your mail flowing as well.

Just a thought.


Hmmm ... looking again, it looks like every single one of those bounce msgs came from "User-Agent: OpenDMARC-Filter/1.3.2". Perhaps there's some issue in that version of that software?

That said, Jason said that his "OpenDKIM" got triggered, so maybe not.

I just got another 5 bounce messages to another one of my list emails.

This is a mystery to me. But whatever. My messages seem to be getting through to the list. And this seems to somehow be limited to me / my domain / my hosting company, and not a problem for everybody else. So probably best to just move on.



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