On 12/6/21 10:54 AM, Iyán Méndez Veiga via arch-general wrote:
I have a GTX 1070 which is (in theory) fully supported by nvidia, and I don't
expect them to drop the support for a few more years. I mean, even the GeForce
700 Series are still supported (~8 years old) in the latest 495.44.

So, as I said, I think 495.44 is buggy, and 470.86 is fully compatible with
linux 5.15.x. So anyone with issues should simply use the 470.xx packages from
AUR until nvidia releases a new version.

I've not heard anything about 495.44 being buggy. Rather, I think your issue is that that version of the driver no longer supports your card. I have a GTK 1050 Ti and it works fine; I just need to use the 470.86 version.

You can see at the nvidia driver search/download site that your 1070 is only supported by the 470 version of the driver:


Install the following packages from AUR and you should be fine:

libxnvctrl-470xx 470.86-1
nvidia-470xx-dkms 470.86-3
nvidia-470xx-settings 470.86-1
nvidia-470xx-utils 470.86-3
opencl-nvidia-470xx 470.86-3


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