On 9/11/20 5:18 PM, Javier via arch-general wrote:
> Until Thunderbird v68, it was the option through the enigmail,
> lightning and the cardbook extensions, but I really don't want to
> keep using Thunderbird v78 and beyond any more.  I don't like several
> design decisions made by the Thunderbird team, regarding how they'll
> handle PGP, like not using the GPG keyring, not using the GPG agent,
> not integrating with GPG in general, and neither supporting autocrypt
> initially (which should be a must to release, or so I think, even K9
> for android supports it).

Note that Thunderbird still does support the GPG keyring for your
private key material via a config option.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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