On 06/01/2020 06:18 PM, Amir Fletcher via arch-general wrote:
> Arch Linux is a fantastic distribution. It should remain exactly that: a
> computer operating system for technical users. Politics should not be part
> of the project.
> Recently, the Arch reddit logo was changed to a rainbow. This is for "pride
> month". It is forcing a political view on all of the users who did not ask
> for this. Many of us don't care about the views of the developers or
> moderators as long as we continue to enjoy Arch.
> When this was brought up, the moderator silenced the criticism and deleted
> the thread.
> https://old.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/gutcxb/is_arch_gay/
> https://archive.is/Y9Ni1

Just ignore it.

  If it makes some feel better, so be it. It isn't hurting me at all... and
whatever the intent, it doesn't have a deleterious effect on Arch. Rainbows,
ponies, penguins, geckos, hats, all just nice decorations.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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