Hi, I've no clue regarding kaffeine and DVB-T.
Regarding the double-click and icon issue it would be helpful to know what desktop environment or window manager, what theme and icon theme and possible file manager/desktop thingy you are using. If you should use Dolphin with or without KDE, then regarding an Internet research the double click settings were walking around from one to the other KDE settings dialog and when using Dolphin without KDE, there's no settings dialog related to mouse click behaviour at all, so a workaround is needed. However, even if an update shouldn't change the mouse click settings, consider to take a look at those settings. Google is your friend. Regarding the icon issue, if you shouldn't use upstream default themes and/or icon themes for GNOMEish and KDEish apps, then for testing purpose install themes and icon themes provided by GNOME and KDE upstream. Regards, Ralf