On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 6:55 PM mike lojkovic via arch-general <
arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> rEFInd has had multiple versions came out, and the mainter has been
> neglecting to update it for nearly two years. Is there an eta or talk of
> changing the maintainer for that package? Pretty sure, it builds find as an
> aur alternative has been up for awhile.

It does build with efi-libs easily in a few seconds on my laptop, but it
will need some work to build with tianocore. I have tried to build with
tianocore and the build fails but I haven't had time to look into what
changes are needed in the PKGBUILD file to make it work. That was just
using the PKGBUILD from the arch repo for the refind-efi package and using
the same additional files in the package file list. It would be nice to
know if there are issues that remain with the successful build that make
releasing the updated package undesirable.

mike c

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