So every update of linux kernels and modules which need mkinitpcio to be
executed, takes too much unnecessary time (maybe 2 min) which could be
handled if it executes on multi threads of CPU.

Actually this 2 minutes bothers me this much that I'm emailing Arch
General Mailing List is because I'm afraid my Arch would be broken if my
laptop shuts down in this process and I have to rescue it by live USB.

I have read the mkinitpcio wiki page and I can't find anything regarding
this matter:

I've checked and my cpu usage and it shows me that it uses maximum power
of a core when mkinitpcio is running, so I assumed it could be helped if
it runs on multi threads.

So my question is why it doesn't execute over all threads or at least
have the option to do that?

Does it help if it gets executed over multi threads or the bottleneck is
somewhere else?

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