On 2019-06-26 13:44:41, Khorne wrote:
On June 26, 2019 1:42:15 PM GMT+02:00, Ben Oliver via arch-general 
<arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
On 2019-06-26 17:05:31, Ram Kumar via arch-general wrote:
Hey Archers,
I have a fresh installation now. Can you please guide me to install I3
wm? I have seen sites but they are confusing me.. i need detaied step
step instruction please

The wiki is quite good:


For i3 gaps you need the package from the AUR.



That is very much *not* an AUR package.

Agh! I don't know what I was thinking!

In that case it's even simpler than what I said.


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