Hi Jens, *,

Am 23.06.19 um 13:05 schrieb Jens John:
> On Sun, 23 Jun 2019, at 00:22, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> Anyone around who knows or did this already?


> Going by these facts, it seems like there is no way to  archieve what you
> want just with journalctl.

Thats definitly not what I wanted to read, but well..

> If that's correct,  there are 2 simple alternatives:

>   * alias journalctl='journalctl -o foo'
>   * Put a journalctl wrapper into a directory that is at the head of $PATH:

>       #!/bin/sh
>       exec /usr/sbin/journalctl -o foo "$@"

Thanks for Your investigation and suggestion.

That smells like a feature request at systemd guys, as I can't see any
advantage having the recent date output as default.

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