On Sun, 9 Jun 2019 at 10:25:49 +0200, Thomas Langen <lan...@langensoft.de> wrote: > Package nfs-utils-2.3.4-1_x86-64 contains a version of mountd.nfs that > core dumps and prevents further usage of nfs (at least for me). nfs- > utils-2.3.3-1_x86-64 still works.
This is probably the same upstream bug I ran into as well. Looks like the patch has been committed[1] already. The workaround is to not use netgroups or hostname wildcards in exports. [1] http://git.linux-nfs.org/?p=steved/nfs-utils.git;a=commit;h=6ec295428a5f50c184891a57566b8667844f8af6