Op vr 24 mei 2019 07:52 schreef Spencer Collyer <spen...@lasermount.plus.com >:
> [...] > > > > The following (taken from > http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/things-every-hacker-once-knew/) may be > relevant here: > > "The very earliest VDTs, like the ASR-33 before them, could form only > upper-case letters. An interesting hangover from these devices was that, > even though most VDTs made after 1975 could form lower-case letters, Unix > (and Linux as late as 2018) responded to a login beginning with an > upper-case letter by switching to a mode which upcased all input. If you > create an account with this sort of login name and a mixed-case password, > hilarity ensues. If the password is upper-case the hilarity is less > desperate but still confusing for the user." OT: In a former job, we had an HP-Ux server, that did have this "feature". And the fun with "special" characters like @ and # (erase), which were handled different between passwd and login... Fun times. Mvg, Guus