Excelent, thanks

Now my next immediate task will be to install Arch on Ssd and begin using

On Thu, 23 May 2019, 9:47 am David C. Rankin, <
drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:

> On 05/22/2019 10:12 PM, Ram Kumar via arch-general wrote:
> > Nice,
> > Thanks a lot guys. My first job for tomorrow will be to install Arch on
> my
> > laptop.
> >
> > can you explain me a little detail on that rewrite stuff?, i am slightly
> > confused
>   Sure, here is a good article that explains it:
> How Long do SSDs Really Last?
> https://www.ontrack.com/blog/2018/02/07/how-long-do-ssds-really-last/
>   You can find many more similar articles, and if you find the old
> (pre-2015)
> ones, you will see the fear they had on exceeding the cell write limits.
> SSD's
> have improved significantly, and the cell re-write issue has gone away for
> the
> most part.
>   As mentioned in the article to hit the lifetime of a 250GB drive in one
> year, you would need to re-write 190GB per-day, every day, for the entire
> year.
>   In normal desktop/laptop use, you rarely write more than 1-2GB a day on
> average -- so that would translate into a 190-95 year wear-life for the
> drive
> under normal use. Even at 10GB a day, that would be a 19 year life for the
> drive.
>   So based on those figures, you would install Arch with your choice of
> desktop, use it for the day, delete everything and repeat the
> install/delete
> every day for 10 years and still be fine.
> --
> David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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