Hi, It's now been about half a year since support for zstd landed in our packaging tools. I've been quietly using it for all my locally built packages since then with no issues. I think it would be worthwhile to have a discussion about whether to use zstd for officially built packages. Here is a brief summary of negatives and positives:
Negatives: * Changing things takes time and might break someone's workflow. * Zstd -19 results in slightly larger files than xz -6 (default). Positives: * Change would be invisible to most users. * Would keep Arch Linux on top of the latest in packaging tech. * Updating would be much faster for most users. To expand on that last point: for reasonably fast connections, the additional time required to decompress xz compressed packages means that updating can actually take more time than it would for packages that are not compressed at all! Because zstd is designed to have very fast decompression, for a wide range of modern broadband connections zstd -19 is the fastest algorithm to download and decompress. For example, check out this compression test (with the Mozilla dataset): https://quixdb.github.io/squash-benchmark/unstable/ Or look at my local test with the most recent Firefox package: Tool Compression time Size Time to DL (100 Mbps) + decompress xz -6 5m 53s 49 MB 0m 21s zstd -19 6m 0s 53 MB 0m 6s So while xz and zstd compress in about the same amount of time and result in files of similar size, from the user's standpoint zstd results in much faster updates. Multiply this by a few hundred packages and you have a pretty substantial effect. I look forward to discussing this with you all. Cheers, Adam