
I'm also a blind user of the arch and I think accessibility options would be very useful.

On 2/5/19 6:33 AM, Alexandr Epaneshnikov via arch-general wrote:
hello. i am a blind arch user. currently to independently install arch i am using the TalkingArch <https://talkingarch.info> it is simple respin of archiso with speakup and brltty packages included.
it wood be nice if official arch live iso comes with accessability 
support. especialy then Debian, fedora and even gentoo provides such 
option and it doesn't required much maintenance when implemented. if 
someone from arch Community interested to implement with my guidance 
of course.

a possible approach :

1 include alsa, brltty and espeakup packages.

2 create a special boot option to boot archiso live session with speech enabled. brltty can be enabled in standard session because it not interfere with workload for sited people.
3 make a11y documentation on arch wiki.

if someone is interested. lets discuss.

p.s. i hope that I chose the right list.

Sincerely, Alexander

Assinatura Informal José Vilmar, Telefones: 21 2555-2650 e 21 98868-0859, Skype: jvilmar

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