Hello Govind, and Everyone!

Thanks for your feedback.

Your arguments are on point, and I agree with you on the fact that the
ideas do not apply to Arch.

If we can think of some better ideas (which apply to Arch, like the
reproducible builds or the CLI tool as you discussed) we would need people
to step up and mentor these ideas out of their free time.
Moreover, if Arch is willing to include some community tools (who decides
which tools should be included), we might get some more cool ideas, but in
the end, we would also need someone to mentor the idea.

In the end, it all boils down to the availability of mentors. and ideas.

I also had this cool idea, where developers (who will act as mentors) can
pitch in their ideas for community packages and select students through
GSoC. This will provide them with the necessary help in developing the
tool. However, then it would not be a "community-driven" package, would it?

There can be several flaws to this suggestion, but as Govind said, it would
be amazing if others can share their opinion on this topic.


Aniket Pradhan
Byld | Cyborg Member
ECE Undergrad | IIIT Delhi

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