Hi David, Robin wrote: > > Is there anything else needed other than daemon-reexec when there is > > an update to systemd itself? > > https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/systemd.install?h=packages/systemd#n80
You might be interested in what running process have deleted files still open, perhaps because a package upgrade has installed a new version, or caused a updated version to be generated. A quickly knocked together pipeline I use is sudo -i lsof -n +c0 | sed -n '1{p;d}; /DEL/{p;d}; / (deleted)$/{p;d}' | egrep -v ' /(SYSV00000000|dev/shm/org\.(chromium\.......|mozilla\.ipc\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)|memfd:pulseaudio|tmp/#[0-9]{5,7})\>' | sed '1{h; d}; 2{x; G}' Not all the entries it shows matter, of course. It's up to the reader to parse and, say, decide to restart postfix. -- Cheers, Ralph. https://plus.google.com/+RalphCorderoy