On 09/12/18 6:13 am, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
Well, yes. In fact, I consider the mere existence of the grub-mkconfig
command to be a harsh sin. :p


It boggles my mind that a distribution that prides itself on:
- DIY,
- understanding how things work, and
- the avoidance of crutch-like tools meant to abstract into nonexistence
   the job of maintaining your system

still discourages all these things with respect to the grub bootloader.

I am in the gradual process of hopefully fixing all this via rewriting
the wiki page for grub. My current progress towards this end can be seen
at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Eschwartz/Grub#Configuration

In my opinion DIY (Do it yourself) does not mean hand write everything from scratch.

KISS (Keep it simple) implies that if you can use a tool (grub-mkconfig in this case) then use it. Because handwriting the whole grub file is time consuming and as well as error prone. Simple is to use a tool in this case. Hand writing a full conf file is no way simple. Ofcourse, once created, its easy to edit the existing one. Hand writing becomes simple in such cases.

Ofcourse grub-mkconfig should not be default and should not be used in post_install/upgrade.

Hence in my opinion, in your Wiki page, giving priority to writing a configuration from scratch (section 3.2) over using grub-mkconfig (section 3.3) isnt the right approach.



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