Hi Ralf, Eli wrote: > > It's a hint that not every user likes 'auto-key-retrieve', but > > instead only manually retrieve keys, if it makes sense to the user > > to retrieve a key.
Thanks, I found it on topic, given Peter explicitly mentioned the option, and very helpful. I've added a note to the suggestion in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GnuPG#Use_a_keyserver > > I don't see a valid reason, to e.g. retrieve the keys that belong to > > an unknown signature of an email send via a mailing list, just to > > get automatically keys when building something from AUR. Me neither, but https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Package_signing doesn't suggest `auto-key-retrieve'. > Ah, so, as I expected, it was just a standard prototypical offtopic > derail. Thanks for clarifying. Am I alone in finding Eli's comments unnecessarily sarcastic and tiresome? I'm happy the Arch Linux community values a succinct and frank exchange of views, but it could still be high signal without the low-wit sarcasm by a few, and would be that bit nicer. -- Cheers, Ralph. https://plus.google.com/+RalphCorderoy