Hi Peter,

> Checked .config in linux-headers-4.9-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz (latest
> version I could find in the archive)
Search more carefully.

    $ seq 9 10 | sort
    $ curl -sSg https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/l/linux/ |
    > egrep -o '\<linux-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' |
    > sort -V | uniq -c |
    > pr -t3
          8 linux-4.3           136 linux-4.8           100 linux-4.13
         80 linux-4.4            96 linux-4.9            72 linux-4.14
         40 linux-4.5            88 linux-4.10           80 linux-4.15
         56 linux-4.6            72 linux-4.11           68 linux-4.16
         64 linux-4.7           120 linux-4.12           36 linux-4.17

Cheers, Ralph.

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