2018年3月27日(火) 23:57 Sudarshan Kakoty via arch-general <

> Hello...
> I was reading "Arch Wiki" and felt curious about that difference
> between extra and community repo.
> Some packages, such as "meson" is in the "extra" repo, whereas "ninja"
> is in "community" repo. The interesting fact is that -  is an implicit
> dependency to "meson". So why that is (ninja) in the community repo?
> Also, some critical GNOME specific packages are part of the community
> repo. Even, some compilers, like Haskell is also part of the community
> repo. What is the exact difference between extra and community
> repository?
> I wonder, Is it really important to have that split?
>  --
> Sudarshan Kakoty <skakoty1...@yahoo.com>

simply saying.
community is TU managed repo; mostly from AUR by vote.
extra is higher than that.


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