On 3/16/18, Jelle van der Waa <je...@vdwaa.nl> wrote:
> On 03/15/18 at 09:29pm, Carsten Mattner via arch-general wrote:
>> On 3/15/18, Eli Schwartz via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org>
>> wrote:
>> > Good news, I guess, is that we will almost certainly switch to bugzilla
>> > as soon as Harmony brings stable psgi support (Soon™).
>> Harmony?
>> PSGI?
>> I like Bugzilla's features, and I don't use arch's tracker enough to have
>> a voice, or maintain it to have a say, but I would still like to provide
>> an opinion. It's just an opinion. Having used large bugzilla
>> installations
>> like mozilla.org, kernel.org, freedesktop.org, it doesn't look like
>> Bugzilla
>> can be fast. I've found Mantis and to some extend Redmine to be fast and
>> lean trackers. These may or may not suit Arch's needs, and I still have
>> hope Bugzilla will at some point become snappy.
>> Just an opinion based on experience, the arch admins/devs will know why
>> bugzilla is the right choice. I trust them.
> Please don't de-rail the thread. (Obviously the Arch devs also want a
> performing bugtracker, but Flyspray has to go either way)

Sorry about that. I let my pain of disappointing bugzilla performance
speak in the wrong context.

Are the Arch devs looking for input on this in some ticket/forum? Like
I said, I don't use it enough to care deeply, but I'm happy to provide
experience report if needed.

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