On 3/14/18, Thomas Dreher <tho...@dustpuppy.ddns.net> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 14. März 2018, 01:50:51 CET schrieb Jagannathan Tiruvallur
> Eachambadi via arch-general:
>> On Tuesday 13 March 2018 12:53:10 PM CET Thomas Dreher wrote:
>> > Libinput is broken. Downgrading to 1.10.1-1 works.
>> Can you link any bug report regarding this. I am running into the same
>> issue and it has irritating to see even X crash since it has been
>> stable for a long time.
> I don't think there already is one. Couldn't find one.

I dread the day I must use libinput. It support stuff impossible
before but it lost features we have with the old system and I
still haven't figured out how to make my mice accelerate and
move around the same speed whenever I try to configure libinput
in Wayland compositors. I'm glad I can avoid it in X. It screams
second system syndrome.

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