
I recently came across this closed feature request for a way to perform a
shallow clone with makepkg.


The closing comment was:
Closed by  Andrew Gregory (andrewgregory)
Monday, 13 February 2017, 17:29 GMT-9
Reason for closing:  Won't implement
Additional comments about closing:  This has been rejected numerous times:
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Use r:Apg#makepkg:_shallow_git_clones

Which provides a now dead link.

Would anyone in the know be willing to explain why this feature is
considered outside the scope of makepkg?

Clearly if the developers aren't interested in the feature, well then they
just won't want to support it. But if there is some rationale behind this I
am curious about it. On one hand this is pure curiosity, but on the other
hand, I use makepkg and the Arch packaging system multiple times per week
so I like to understand the design and the intent.

Thank you!
Adam Levy (alaskanarcher)

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