On 11/14/2017 09:06 PM, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
> Em novembro 14, 2017 20:27 Bartłomiej Piotrowski escreveu:
>> Just to be clear, it's completely fine thing to do.
>> Feel free to ignore community input if you feel better this way, but
>> don't tell people to cover their eyes when we discuss something on
>> publicly readable mailing list.
> Just to be (more) clear, I welcome all user input, but I don't think
> it is nice to re-purpose a thread and cross post it to another list.
> A new one would be better.

Well, it is standard operating policy on these mailing lists based on
past experience, so please don't pick on anyone for that. :p

And I don't really understand the problem anyway -- so it maintains
thread continuity, isn't that a good thing if an a-d-p member is
interested in and subscribed to arch-general? Anyway, the subject header
makes it clear what list it came from.

Eli Schwartz

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