Hello everybody,

I noticed that extra/cmake depends on core or extra packages exception
made for community/rhash.
I was trying to use build.opensuse.org to build a package but was unable
to use cmake due to the fact that it depends on a package in community
which is not included in build.opensuse.org

My question is: is it fine for an extra package to depend on a package
found in community?

I tried to search for policies but didn't find anything.

It would be really helpful if rhash could be brought in extra or, if not
strictly needed by cmake, to be made an optdep for it.

I checked on debian.packages.org, they have 3.9.3-1 as the latest
version of cmake which don't depend on rhash, I can't say anything for
version 3.9.4 currently in extra.

I'm saying it would be useful as cmake is used by many project ad being
able to use it on opensuse build service would enable more packages to
be built there for Arch.



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