On 10/07/2017 06:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote: > If software is > buggy I usually report it to upstream, seldom to the Arch bug tracker. > This is always done with a description of the issue and if possible, > how to reproduce it. This month I'm very short in time, so after making > the below investigation [1], I've got no time to describe the problem > any further, let alone to report the issue to a bug tracker.
So... you had enough time to investigate and draft an email to some at best tangentially related mailing list when you genuinely believe there is a software bug? What, were you hoping someone else will report the bug on your behalf??? Very polite of you. > Take a look at https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/53840 , since this is > the reason for the investigation. But maybe we don't care about researching some random bugtracker ticket just because you appealed to us on the mailing list with some unrelated problem. (I realize that as a Bug Wrangler this is somewhat ironic coming from me. Imagine I'm some other mailing list lurker though.) > However, seemingly I found another bug or at least a sync issue for asp. > > [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ pacman -Q asp > asp 2-1 > [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep evolution /var/log/pacman.log | tail -4 > [2017-10-07 07:37] [ALPM] upgraded evolution-data-server (3.24.5-1 -> > 3.26.1-1) > [2017-10-07 07:37] [ALPM] upgraded evolution (3.24.5-1 -> 3.26.1-1) > [2017-10-07 07:37] [ALPM] upgraded evolution-bogofilter (3.24.5-1 -> 3.26.1-1) > [2017-10-07 07:37] [ALPM] upgraded evolution-spamassassin (3.24.5-1 -> > 3.26.1-1) > > The update was done nearly 1/4 day before I run asp checkout, so I > expected that everything should be in sync. > > Regards, > Ralf > > [1] > [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ pkill -9 evolution > [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ pacman -Q > evolution{,-data-server,-bogofilter,-spamassassin} evolution 3.26.1-1 > evolution-data-server 3.26.1-1 > evolution-bogofilter 3.26.1-1 > evolution-spamassassin 3.26.1-1 > [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cd /tmp/ > [rocketmouse@archlinux tmp]$ asp checkout evolution [...] I don't see where you actually used `asp update` to pull updates from the server, so I am assuming PEBKAC, aided by the fact that you have previously cached an old version of the evolution pkgbase. `asp update && cd /tmp/evolution && git pull` should do the trick FWIW. Also FWIW as long as you are giving us that nice step-by-step CLI walkthrough of the problem, there is no need to go off-tangent with your l33t pkill skillz (as a running instance of the program will not cause pacman -Q or asp to report different results, which is the usual conclusion when one goes to such efforts to document the usage of pkill to shut down said running instance), nor cross-reference your currently-installed version with your pacman logs with the version you've already asserted is on the website. (Having had it confirmed from three not-really-independent sources, I cannot help but feel pacman -Si would be somewhat more relevant here anyway.) -- Eli Schwartz
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