On 26 July 2017 at 09:39, David C. Rankin
<drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
> How are you handling the UTC/localtime issue between Linux/windows? Registry
> hack in win? Or, are you running Linux with hwclock set to localtime? If you
> are allowing systemd-boot, or grub, or syslinux to choose the OS, what is
> setting the hwclock appropriately between differing OS boots?

Registry hack and disabling NTP in Windows works fine for me.
The bootloader has nothing to do with it, systemd's NTP solution
already has hwclock committing built into it.
BTW, I'm using UEFI and change via the system boot menu, as it asks
for a password, unlike systemd-boot.

Oliver Temlin

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