For some reason I sent this to arch-dev-public instead, sending again here…
On 2017-05-10 04:27, Pablo Roberto Lezaeta Reyes via arch-general wrote: > You should clarify if this affect user cloning the servers repos by > rsync to set they non-tiered local repos (*.pkg.tag.xzs) or just the > pkgbuilds repo clones (PKGBUILDs). That's better phrased in Florian's revision, but both mention PKGBUILDs, so I'm not sure if there is anything more to explain. > Also mention devtools still depend on subversion despite you mention > that for cloning one should use git, that intentional or > inconsistenty? devtools depending on svn has nothing to do with ABS; the paragraph you refer to describes methods of obtaining full PKGBUILDs tree. Bartłomiej