On 2017-04-27 22:52:30 (+0600), Rashif Ray Rahman wrote:
> Great to know there was a talk about Arch pro-audio in LAC! I think there
> is a lot of information there that you can add to the wiki. I did a rewrite
> once but as Ralf said, rewriting again can be quite difficult.
Yeah, there will be even another this year, but mainly on Arch Linux ARM
on Raspberry Pi 3 (for teaching sound synthesis using the jack API and
C++) this time.

> Ralf, David, and anyone else invested in pro-audio now -- let me hijack
> this thread a bit: Can you guys have a look at https://linuxmusicians.com/
> viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17034 and see if you're interested in taking over the
> ArchAudio project? Thanks.
Sounds great. Before the beginning of July I don't have much time
though, as I'm in the same boat you were in (thesis and all that

On the plus side: I have been using Arch for about 10 years now and it
would be nice to get a little more into packaging (aside from the AUR)
and signing.
I don't see myself going to use another distro for audio in the future,
so I'd be happy to revive it somehow.
Guess Ralf might also be interested (from reading a lot about real-time
kernels in his mails)?!

Well, you got my contact.



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