On Sun, 23 Apr 2017 10:00:23 +0200 (CEST), fnodeuser wrote:
>there are a few AL TMs (team members), that wanted to become,
>became, and still are AL TMs because they are selfish.
>these TMs are here, because they want to indirectly benefit
>financially from this membership, and/or for the 'bragging rights',
>and/or because they want to continue to have the 'power' that an AL TM

Unlikely that being an Arch Linux team member gains much for an ego in
regards to adorn oneself with plumes, regarding power or that it's very
useful to indirectly benefit financially. It's moreover much
unlikely that not just one, but a few team members suffer from such
bizarre narcissism.

This thread started with questioning the overall health of Arch. So far
this is just based on the emotion of a few users, who consider the
hiccups they experience as dramatic, serious issues. IOW so far it was
just pathetic.

Now you come and claim that there are "problems" and the first reason,
among other reasons are disordered team members. You don't provide any
evidence for this claim. This is the lowest level of polemic.

Could we please stop this thread? IMO it's going too far now.

There's nothing wrong with pointing to real problems. You could do this
by opening a new thread, but please without conspiracy theories. If
there should be bizarre team members, the other team members are likely
able to notice this and to resolve this without a discussion by users.

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