
I have some unofficial repos added in pacman.conf, and at times use ABS
and the AUR, so I often get messages like this:

 # LANG=C pacman -Syu
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: udevil: local (0.4.4-2) is newer than community (0.4.4-1)
...(10 messages from unofficial repos)...

First of all, why is this a warning? What is the problem of me having a
newer version of a package than the repository? --quiet does not help. I
could do

 # pacman -Syu 2>/dev/null

but this supresses *all* warnings. Also if I need to hold ignore a few
packages, I get this (which actually makes more sense as a warning):

warning: haskell-src-exts: ignoring package upgrade (1.17.1-8 => 1.18.2-4)

which I know already, since I'm the one who put it IgnorePkg. I looked
in the manpage for pacman.conf and also found nothing to quiet specific
warnings like this. Could they at least be less verbose? Say, in one line:

warning: ignoring (42) package updates (for nvidia, nvidia-dkms,
haskell-src-exts, ...)

I found this old bug report (https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/31594)
regarding this, but there's no decision about it.

I'd like there to be an option to quiet these, possibly in pacman.conf:

QuietWarning = NewerThanRepo | IgnoredUpdate | ...

What do you think? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
João Miguel

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