> Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 08:02:52 +0100
> From: Karol Babioch <ka...@babioch.de>
> To: arch-general@archlinux.org
> Subject: Re: [arch-general] btrfs raid 10 fileserver with ata errors
> Message-ID: <f592f45e-07fd-bd32-06af-4ccdf549d...@babioch.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi,
> Am 13.01.2017 um 03:22 schrieb niya levi via arch-general:
>> how do i go about diagnosing and fixing the problem,
>> any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated.
>> shadrock
> Check all cables and re-plug them. To narrow down the problem you can
> also swap arond disks, so you know whether it is the disk itself or the
> controller and/or cabling. But problems like these are a sometimes a
> PITA to fix.
> Best regards,
> Karol Babioch

hi Karol
i have replaced one sata cable which seem to have reduced the error
i still get the odd failed cmd periodically , i am getting some more
sata cables before further test.

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