Hi all,
I have been trying to get fprint working properly with screen lockers
for months and have yet to find a working solution.

I am using i3wm without DM.
Login on the TTY and sudo work properly: They ask me to swipe the finger
and then ask for my password if that didn't work.

However, every screen locker I have tried that supports PAM at all
(i3lock, xlockmore, xscreensaver, kscreenlocker) all ask for my
fingerprint AFTER I typed in my password.

Is there no way to make them check for my fingerprint first, and then
for my password?

Does anyone here do something similar?


GPG fingerprint: 871F 1047 7DB3 DDED 5FC4 47B2 26C7 E577 EF96 7808

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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