
  I'm not sure where to start searching on this problem. I have a server with
fluxbox and xscreensaver enabled. If I'm running xterm when the screensaver
activates, if I return after a couple of hours, the xterm is unresponsive.
(instead of a normal solid black-box cursor, it is a white block cursor with a
thin black outline) At this point, the xterm in non-responsive and I must kill
the window with the [X] window control (top-right) and restart a new session.

  I note that if another application is left running, like firefox, then the
xterm doesn't seem to hang or disconnect (or whatever it is doing).

  I don't know whether to chase this as an xterm issue, an xscreensaver issue or
a DPMS issue. Has anyone encountered this before? If so, any solutions, or did
you narrow it down to one of (xterm, xscreensaver, DPMS)? Thanks for any

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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