On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 02:09:47AM +0200, Thibaut Marty wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 01:39:28AM +0200, Bruno Pagani wrote:
> > I think that the packager just didn’t see this addition and only bounced 
> > the pkgver. There is an open ticket about this: 
> > https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/50445.
Thanks, Bruno - you're probably right.

> This would be surprising, as the new compile-time option was explicitly
> given in the release announce mail. Does that mean the packager did not
> subscribe to the very low-traffic mutt announce list or did not read it
> before updating the package?
> However, the UPDATING file does not mention the new option.

Well, the maintainer just enabled it in an updated package, so all's
moot at this point.  In fact, I was in the middle of adding a comment
to the feature request regarding updating the wiki when the ticket was
closed and blew away my comment.  Hopefully someone will get to it.

Thanks both for your replies!

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