On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 04:37:21PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Mon, 15 Aug 2016 10:21:29 -0400, Storm Dragon via arch-general wrote:,I am interested in becoming a TU.Oops, the above was the wrong quote and link. "Addition of a TU The addition of a TU may occur at any time. In order to become a TU, one must first find a sponsoring TU, and arrange privately with them to announce their candidacy on the aur-general mailing list. Following the announcement, standard voting procedure commences with a discussion period of 5 days, a quorum of 66%, and a voting period of 7 days." - https://aur.archlinux.org/trusted-user/TUbylaws.html#_addition_of_a_tu Anyway, the appropriate list remains:https://lists.archlinux.org//listinfo/aur-general . https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_Trusted_User_Guidelines Regards, Ralf
Howdy, Thanks for the info. My original post wasn't meant to be an actual request to become a TU, but rather a preparation request. I read the wiki for the guidelines, and it seems like having close contact with an existing TU would be a good thing. So, my original message was more aimed at finding someone who would be willing/and have the time to hang out, and maybe fill me in on the stuff I would need to know when I get on the inside :). I think I have the skillset, but I do need a sponsor, so I definitely need to get to know a TU for that anyway. Thanks Storm -- Powered by Arch Linux! I am registered Linux user number 508465: https://linuxcounter.net/user/508465.html My blog, Thoughts of a Dragon: http://www.stormdragon.tk/ get my public PGP key: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 43DDC193 Twitter and Facebook are so ... yesteryear. Get your 2MB Social account TODAY! http://2mb.social/main/register Follow me on GNU Social: https://social.stormdragon.tk/storm "The leather armies have prevailed, the Phantom Lord has never failed. Smoke is lifting from the ground, the rising volume metal sound." Metallica - Phantom Lord
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