
Emacs 25.1 is not yet released, but will be soon. The second release
candidate is currently being prepared. The version of emacs in extra is the
current stable release, and will probably be updated once 25.1 is out.

If you want to try emacs 25.1 on Arch you can build it youself from the AUR
package emacs25-git.


On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Kwang Moo Yi via arch-general <
arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I recently started using arch linux and the official package for emacs is
> a bit outdated compared to the one provided from Fedora, which is where I
> come from.
> I understand that the `emacs` package is intended for stable only, so I
> didn't mark it as outdated.
> However, current dev release 25.1 is quite stable, and it would be great
> if it's provided as a binary package, as cloning and building with the AUR
> package is quite a pain.
> The stable releases that is available in the extras repo seem like an LTS
> release.
> Any plans on packaging for the recent tag releases?
> Thanks,
> Kwang

Bastian Beischer
RWTH Aachen University of Technology

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