[2016-08-11 04:08:46 +0200] fnodeuser: > these fuckers keep creating problems. > > they hided my tasks for the second time. this makes it impossible for the > package maintainers to see the tasks. > > i didn't come here to play games with archlinux team members who happen to be > fucking morons. i came here to contribute. > > it's time for them to be put in their place. they can't be reasoned with, and > we can't have a serious discussion about this anywhere else, because in the > IRC channels we have other stupid cunts jumping in always trying to derail > the discussion, namely, meskarune, keenerd, and polyzen.
I bet your momma told you not to swear and to start each sentence with a capital letter. So make her happy and start writing like a grown up... -- Gaetan