On 07/25/16 at 12:48pm, Germano Corrêa via arch-general wrote:
> Hello!
> I don't know if I'm in the right mailing list, so sorry if I'm in the wrong
> place...
> I need to install the package Dasher, and I realized it's not anymore in
> the official repositories (it was in extra and it was removed this year). I
> don't know if I didn't searched right, because I found nothing about this
> removal. Does anyone knows why?
> Of course I can download the source code and build it by myself, and that's
> what I'm doing. But I just wanted to know why they removed.
> Thanks, and sorry for anything...

Usually and this should always be done, these packaged are moved to the
AUR. Why this package did not end up there, I don't know. But it might
be because of the AUR4 move.

Jelle van der Waa

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