Hello all.
The question was slightly misunderstood. I'm the friend that rosanna
mentioned was helping her.
The actual situation is that we were trying to install talking arch and
the installer will not talk.
I have vmware workstation player on her computer and set up a vm for it.
However, when connecting the cd and booting the vm there is no audio.
The distro used was downloaded from here.
Any thoughts?
Subject: Re: [arch-general] question from a new member
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 17:52:58 -0700
From: Zachary Kline <zkl...@speedpost.net>
Reply-To: General Discussion about Arch Linux
To: General Discussion about Arch Linux <arch-general@archlinux.org>
Did your friend actually go through the process of installing Talking Arch? If
so, espeakup should have been installed as one of the manual steps involved. If
not, you need to do this yourself. It isn’t difficult, but you won’t have
speech feedback obviously.
Log in as root, and then run “pacman -S espeakup alsa-utils,” hit y, and then,
“systemctl enable espeakup.service.”
If all this was already done, obviously disregard this advice, but the system
is pretty simple to get going in a VM.
> On May 25, 2016, at 5:45 PM, Rosanna Hostetler<rhostet...@consolidated.net>
> a question on talking arch Hi all, I am new to the list and don't remember
how to start fresh, so I just had a friend help me get VMware on which I put or he
helped me put talking arch linux on it. The question I have, is how do I get
talking arch to talk when I run the program? Thanks in advance.
> On 5/23/2016 7:41 PM, Noah Schoem wrote:
>> See the Arch wiki beginner's guide
>><https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners'_guide>for installation
>> instructions. If you're looking to remove microsoft from your laptop, I
>> would recommend deleting all of the partitions on the hard drive.
>> Details on how to do that, and more information on the disk utility that
>> comes on the Arch iso, are available at the wiki's page on parted
>> Signed,
>> Noah Schoem
>> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 5:03 PM, message<let...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
>>> Readers,
>>> Can someone please suggest a suitable wiki web page to help, for removal
>>> of m$ (e.g. lenovo ideapad 100s) and installation of archlinux?