On 16-04-2016 03:20 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sat, 16 Apr 2016 20:07:11 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sat, 16 Apr 2016 14:00:49 -0300, Sebastián Pedersen wrote:
[sebas@parabolaSebas64 ~]$ xset -q
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 600    Suspend: 600    Off: 600
  DPMS is Enabled
  Monitor is On

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ xset -q
DPMS (Energy Star):
 Standby: 600    Suspend: 0    Off: 3000
 DPMS is Enabled
 Monitor is On

My apologies for that much PS mails.

Perhaps it's an issue to have equal values?

Try Standby: 500    Suspend: 0    Off: 600

No problem for the amount of mails. Any help is most welcome.

The driver is fbdev and is configured in xorg.conf

I already try different values of Standby, Suspend and Off and didn't work.

I'm using i3 wm so xscreensaver is not even installed. I3 is kind of minimalistic so I would be surprise if any other application is overwriting the DPMS configuration.

Well thanks a lot.

Unfortunaly I'm running out of ideas...


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